There are no words that can properly describe this amazing game.

User Rating: 9.7 | Freedom Fighters PC
When I played Freedom Fighters, all I had was a demo. While the demo was short, it proved to me just how excellent the game is and that it could very well be considered a milestone in tactical shooters and one of the best shooters in general since MOHAA.
To begin with, the controls are simple and easy to use. While the hardcore tactical sim buffs may scoff at the simplicity of the controls and a lack of command options, everyone else will find that this is an advantage when you end up in one of the game's many and varying firefights. What I mean by varying is that the firefights can range from a small ambush carried out by a soldier with a sniper rifle to a SWAT- esque standoffs, which leads me to another one of Freedom Fighters' superior gameplay: There is never a truly dull moment because of the fact that, since you are going up against the Red Army, you will encounter large numbers of troops and the occasional aromored vehicle or helicopter.
Also, unlike games such as GTA: San Andreas and the SWAT games, your enemies will often have more weapons than you as well as vehicles which cannot be simply riddled with bullets, but must rather be dealt with using more powerful weapons, such as rocket launchers and grenades. While the fact that your enemies will most often have the upper hand in terms of weaponry, that can also bean advantage, as it makes finding weapons and ammunition so much easier.
One of the features that I like the most about this game is the A.I. for both teammates and enemies. With most FPS games, firing off a loud weapon causes enemies to start coming at you from every direction. With this game, though, the A.I. reacts differently. Instead of throwing everything at you, only the enemy soldiers within the area that heard or saw the shot(s ) will come to investigate, but it will escalate from there if A) you fail to kill the soldiers sent to investigate quickly enough or B) the soldiers decide to call in reinforcements. While the enemy A.I. is very smart on any level of difficulty, the teammate A.I. is where the game really shines. Instead of simply sitting there and looking stupid, your teammates will automatically mount machine guns or take cover if the situation demands it, unlike most FPS games, which require you to tell a teammate to do anything beyond fighing.
Finally, the sound is superb. The weapons sound like they should and other sounds, such as explosions, bullets hitting the ground, etc. While the opera- like soundtrack can be boring at times, it suits the dramatic nature of some of the firefights and was meant for some of the few areas of the game that require you to use stealth.
While this review may not cover all of this game's amazing features, you can get the idea.