How unfair is this... HELP

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#51 DivinitySkate
Member since 2008 • 485 Posts
Your parents did what was best for you, thank them, maybe now you can go get a life.
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#52 naruto7777
Member since 2007 • 8059 Posts

Ok, I play Xbox as much as I can, but according to my parents this is to much, so my step dad being the tw*t that he is decided it might be funny as he doesn't like me to phone up Microsoft and find out how to put a family timer on the Xbox, so now I can only play it for 3 hours a day.. which sucks 'cause I'm used to 5/6 hours minimum

Do you guys know if there is a way to take off the password between me and non-stop gaming?

this is what you deserve your parents are right
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#53 Andrew_Xavier
Member since 2007 • 9625 Posts
Your father is being responsible, go join a sports team, I recommend Rugby, the sport of gods...insane, insane gods.
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Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

You people responding to this thread telling this kid to go out and get a life, a girlfriend, etc are all a bunch of hypocrites. Im sure half if not more of you spend loads of hours playing halo, cod, gears and other addicting games. Sure it may be a bit bad to spend 5+ hours a night on games but hey, the kid is happy. I rather be happy doing something unhealthy then being miserable doing something good for me. Quit telling this kid off. The irony here is killing me. You all have the time to play games and come on forums to talk about games, then you people must not have lives as well. I dont care if you go on these forums on your work break. It still shows how foolish you all really are.Nocturnal15

I dont care what anyone else says- you just PWNED them!!!

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#55 jamejame
Member since 2005 • 10634 Posts
5-6 hours a day is a lot man, but I used to be the same way, and getting used to that kind of thing and then having the priveledge suddenly taken away would anger me as well. I suggest picking up an activity or getting involved in a sport? I can't say I don't feel for you, but your dads doing it for the best.
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#56 payne6705
Member since 2006 • 1145 Posts
All I can say is wow...I'm impressed that you have 5-6 hours of free time dedicated to video games everyday I barely have time for anything (with a gf, job, school, driving people places) I still play but dam man thats a long ass time to sit in front of the TV I think I did do that once when I was 13 and just got Super Smash Bros Melee but ya......usually I ALWAYS side with the gamers (when it comes to kid vs. parents) but I have to agree with your parents thats too much time not moving in front of a TV
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#57 Legolas_Katarn
Member since 2003 • 15556 Posts

[QUOTE="madcowz674"]why dont people just answer the question??????? I bet the majority of you play more than 5-6 hours. And to answer your question. go here:[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I can't help you. I don't know anything about it.

What idiotic responses. Half the comments are go outside, get a girlfriend, get laid, play sports, do homework, etc. I think someone said the TC is under 16, you know what that means. He probably can't drive so depending on where he lives he might not have many options after going outside. If he can't drive and is under 16 he might not be able to hang out with some girl whenever he wants and he probably couldn't get a job. Play sports huh, well guess what guys, I ******* hate sports, maybe he does too. Do's summer. I just got done with high school and I was in a charter school where I only went two days a week and I took a lot of online (gs forbidden word). I've always gotten done with school work quickly, even with the college (gs forbidden word) I took. None of you even know anything about the topic starter.

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#58 War_Martyr
Member since 2007 • 598 Posts
True, man. You gotta step outside the house once in a while and do something physical. Go chill with your boys, a part time job, beach, etc. Whatever, just don't live with your console for eternity. You don't want to be a virgin for life, right?
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#59 p00phead
Member since 2007 • 1203 Posts
It aint unfair you should go out and socialise
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#60 gamepunk_16
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Ok, I play Xbox as much as I can, but according to my parents this is to much, so my step dad being the tw*t that he is decided it might be funny as he doesn't like me to phone up Microsoft and find out how to put a family timer on the Xbox, so now I can only play it for 3 hours a day.. which sucks 'cause I'm used to 5/6 hours minimum

Do you guys know if there is a way to take off the password between me and non-stop gaming?


Dude i know the feeling im used to about 8 hours but i don't think there is any way to get past the password short of spying on your dad and getting it :-P

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#61 ronnet
Member since 2003 • 9637 Posts

Ok, I play Xbox as much as I can, but according to my parents this is to much, so my step dad being the tw*t that he is decided it might be funny as he doesn't like me to phone up Microsoft and find out how to put a family timer on the Xbox, so now I can only play it for 3 hours a day.. which sucks 'cause I'm used to 5/6 hours minimum

Do you guys know if there is a way to take off the password between me and non-stop gaming?


If your younger then 18 then your parents are doing what they are alloud (and should) do as parents.

If your older then 18 then your parents dont have the right but it's stil a good thing.

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#62 MickaelJulliard
Member since 2007 • 905 Posts

Just a question. How old are you? (to topic creator)i-like-pie

I'm 14 gonna be 15, someone said I was 16 soon, I put the wrong year in my birthdate thingy

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#63 Nills
Member since 2005 • 1573 Posts
Go outside.
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#64 TheSystemLord1
Member since 2006 • 7786 Posts

[QUOTE="i-like-pie"]Just a question. How old are you? (to topic creator)MickaelJulliard

I'm 14 gonna be 15, someone said I was 16 soon, I put the wrong year in my birthdate thingy

You have no business playing videogames for 6 hours a day.

Its unhealthy. I won't tell you how to spend your time, but it is SERIOUSLY unhealthy to stare at a screen for 6 hours a day.

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#65 beast667
Member since 2005 • 3397 Posts
5 or 6 hours a day? Go outside, dude, I don't play that much in a week, and I'm your age.
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#66 ryanvl
Member since 2004 • 167 Posts
Playing 5-6 hours a day is wasting your youth away. I know because that's pretty much what I did at your age. Trust me, you will regret most of the time you spend in front of the TV. The same goes with watching TV. Just set the controller down and take a walk or something. You will thank your parents in 10 years believe it or not. Your father is a good man.
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#67 imakillaholic
Member since 2006 • 1422 Posts
Your parent's are doing the responsible thing. Listen, it's Summer, go outside and have fun during the day. If you play 5/6 hours minimun, do it at night time, when there is nothing else to do, and you can stay up late. I play about 5/6 hours a day, but that's at probably 11 at night till 4 or so in the morning, but during the day, I go to the gym, play basketball, swim, and hang with friends. I advise you to do the same, life has so much to offer than sitting inside playing video games, and I understand it may be a hobby, or you may be "big" (not saying you are) that may cause you to stay inside, but nobody cares on how people look or whatever, and I am just ranting on about mumbo jumbo crap. So yeah, go outside bro, have fun!
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#68 JoetheMoe
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#69 GSU28
Member since 2007 • 1608 Posts

5/6 hours is too much. Go outsidei-like-pie

How often are you on these forums for? Shouldn't you be outside? Get over yourself.

I have a circle of close friends and I do well with girls, but I embrace my inner nerd and deny nothing. Oblivion. Is. Awesome.

To contribute to the OP's problem: That sucks. Try to figure out the password. Try his and your mom's wedding anniversary, his or your mom's birthday, his favorite sport, etc. I would suggest think along those lines. Aside from that, you could try to sit him down and discuss it with maturity.

Tell him that gaming is hobby that you love and to limit it is suppressing you and your personality and desires. Don't be belligerent and try to appeal to his personality, whilst still working to get your message across in a mature and respectful manner. This is how I work it with my parents. They used to try to control the time limit of my activities, but I discussed it with them and now they respect my decisions.

Maybe you two collide often because you are inadvertantly offending him, maybe you assert that he is somehow less of a father figure because he is not your biological father. Be kind, though. If none of this works and he truly is a tw@ (thank you GTA IV) I would suggest you talk to your mom about it and if that doesn't work, if your biological dad is still in the picture talk to him.

If all else fails, you will be able to try new things and maybe find a new hobby that you will enjoy even more. Good luck.

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#70 great_rulo
Member since 2007 • 2838 Posts
Your 14 years old? i didnt started playing videogames for real til i was 16.
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#71 HiRyan
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

Call up 1-800-4MYXBOX and make up a scenario where you are the parent and you forgot the combination lock for the family settings control. Instant win? I think so.

Then again when your parent/guardian find out that the password lock is changed, etc.. you'll probably get in more trouble. But hey that's only a minor setback. Lmao.

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#72 RakinR
Member since 2007 • 126 Posts
DAMN i play like 2 hours max only on weekends and i rarely play for 2 hours and my brother put a timer on the xbox to lower it to 1.15 mins. i think thats good enough
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#73 Wiimaster009
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts
wo, you think he plays alot? i play minimum of 6 hours a day on weekdays andat least 10 hours on weekends(per day). i played 17 hours straaight once..
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#74 Ra-Devil
Member since 2006 • 1512 Posts

I remember when I would play for about 6 hours in a day... it was called Summer Vacation, and I would be at a friends house, and we would invite a bunch of people over and have a LAN party. We would play (waaay back) Golden Eye and Smash Bros., then we moved over to Xbox, playing Halo... then way later Halo 2, Far Cry, Metal Arms (OWNS), and Star Wars: Battlfront II.

Today, we don't really get together to play games that much... we're mostly spread out, but we keep in touch. They did get together to have a Halo 3 tourney though, but I wasn't there. We're all getting jobs and whatnot now, and there isn't really time to play games for hours on end. I'll admit, I can throw in a good 3 hours of Halo 3 online in whenever all my friends and family are on, but otherwise I don't really play online all that much. I usually play my other games, most recently Ninja Gaiden II. I put in about 2 hours a day recently, but about 3 hours a day when I first got it (acutally, I think it was 4, and it was only the first day). I can't play games for silly long periods of time anymore.

Anybody else miss the days when they just sat around, maybe it was Summer, who knows, and all you did was play games from morning to evening? Man, I loved those day... now I get about 2 to 3 hours at the most of gaming in a day, if I even play, and I only really put tons of time into it when I'm with friends or something.

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#75 Iqen
Member since 2007 • 551 Posts

wo, you think he plays alot? i play minimum of 6 hours a day on weekdays andat least 10 hours on weekends(per day). i played 17 hours straaight once..Wiimaster009

So, assumingly, you wake up at 10 in the morning on a saturday. You play for 13 hours (due to the atleast part) till 11 in the night. You eat somethinng then go to bed.... The idea is so absurd, I don't hve time to think of it.. (And don't even mention the 17 hours part)

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#76 kyrissbp82
Member since 2006 • 391 Posts
I play for maybe 2 hours a day max if I have a NEW. Some people have jobs and real lives. Why don't you study or go outside or something. You are lucky your parents are so lenient. When I was in junior high and high school, I am pretty sure that I had a limit of one hour from my parents, and I didn't play every day.
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#77 SouL-Tak3R
Member since 2005 • 4024 Posts
lol 3 Hours is plenty. 5-6 Hours is a lot. You need to get out more.
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#78 TheRevanent
Member since 2006 • 201 Posts
Dude, that's a quarter of a day, everyday. That means you play games for 24 hours in 4 days, not good. Your parents have the right idea limiting you to 3 hours, thats plenty especially on weekdays. Go out with your friends or girlfriend if you have one and stop sitting in your room all day.
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#79 TheRevanent
Member since 2006 • 201 Posts

I play for maybe 2 hours a day max if I have a NEW. Some people have jobs and real lives. Why don't you study or go outside or something. You are lucky your parents are so lenient. When I was in junior high and high school, I am pretty sure that I had a limit of one hour from my parents, and I didn't play every day.kyrissbp82

Yeah he's right, whenI was in middle school I was limited to a half hour and they wouldn't let me register for online, so you got it lucky kid.

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#80 i-like-pie
Member since 2005 • 4070 Posts
Sad, He came here for some sympathy and we gave him a slap in the face
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#81 HaDoKeN_NaTe
Member since 2005 • 1284 Posts

Poor kid. Comes here for help and we all slap him in the face and praise his parents. :lol:

It's called having a life. 5-6 hours a day is just plain unhealthy socially, physically, and mentaly.


hahah i was just thinkin that how everyone is smackin him hahahaha but its true good fer ur parents...ferrreal go outside n play wit friends!

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#82 MickaelJulliard
Member since 2007 • 905 Posts

You people responding to this thread telling this kid to go out and get a life, a girlfriend, etc are all a bunch of hypocrites. Im sure half if not more of you spend loads of hours playing halo, cod, gears and other addicting games. Sure it may be a bit bad to spend 5+ hours a night on games but hey, the kid is happy. I rather be happy doing something unhealthy then being miserable doing something good for me. Quit telling this kid off. The irony here is killing me. You all have the time to play games and come on forums to talk about games, then you people must not have lives as well. I dont care if you go on these forums on your work break. It still shows how foolish you all really are.Nocturnal15

Oh my god, thank you.. finally someone actually was nice lol, I completley agree with this guy

SO many of you have said go out with friends: I live in a tiny village thats 8 miles from my nearist town, where my friends live

Some said Girlfriend: I had a girlfriend and she cheated on me, and then dumped me, so I'm off women for a bit

Some said See a Movie or something similar, there is only a playground in my village, the only source of amusement

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#83 Agent42896
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
DUDE!!!!!! your crazy for playing for that long... Take my advice go outside and do something phisical(sorry if I spelled that wrong). you dont even have to go outside just do some pushups or something or just do what I do get an airsoft gun or 2 and go shoot something(dont shoot a person that is not cool) me shooting a real or airsoft gun is way better than shooting a virtual one. If you have an airsoft gun you can test your accuracy for real...right about now my aim is kinda good. also you can get a friend and you guys can have a real deathmatch(ware protection bodyarmor, elbow/neepads, eyeprotection, ect) not some fake ass deathmatch where some random fatguy is pawning you over the f***ing internet talking sh*t about your mom its anoying for me to insult them back(I usually win the insult battles). Anywho If you cant get an airsoft gun well I dont know?