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#51 elon005
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I can't wait until tomorrow, there's a lot in store.
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#52 rininganboy
Member since 2007 • 330 Posts
From what I read, the Cestus is going to be awesome and versatile weapon. Also I like the idea of controlling enemies and their improved AI.
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#53 MrCycleCancel
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The idea of controlling enemies leaves me somewhat cold.

The Cestus gauntlets on the other hand (U C WUT I....)

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#54 Alucard_rules
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The controlling of enemies could either be an interesting option, or a failed attempt at a new mechanic. I'll wait until I've seen it in action before I make any judgements on it.
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#55 Kuro-sama
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Speaking of action, weren't we supposed to get some footage, not just an article?
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#56 MrStarkiller
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Kuro: Friday. We are getting the next wave of info, Friday. I already covered this. The 1UP article of today will be of some incidental crap that doesn't concern GoW fans. X-PLAY, 1UP, lesser known sites, etc. will all be giving us the new stuff very soon. They never promised videos but there is a fair chance of a little video preview. If were't lucky we'll get a proper 50-60 seconds preview (of gameplay) like the original GoWII teaser *which I just loved*.

---Now for my own thoughts on all this---

Page 1

Pretty picture. I can't really make out Kratos' abdominal scar but he has Athena's Blades and the Golden Fleece..that much is visible in the artwork.

Page 2

Amusing. The set up a scene to 'hype' the reader. Doesn't play to my tastes. I prefer just the facts. Leave out the fluff.

Page 3

I suppose they could say that. If asked what the mascot of Sony was, I would have no better answer though I don't like adding the title of mascot to anything I like.

GoWII on PS2 made all the sense in the world to me from the start. GoWIII for PS3.

(reasons for GoWII on PS2 being the best option) **** we already know. It's been discussed before.

GoW1 was indeed impressive as was GoWII in surpassing it. Naturally they worked ahead for GoWIII. A wise call.

Tall talk that I don't care for but I can roll with only because of the series being discussed. Now we know the Game Director's background and name...lovely. The explanation of what happened before and how a cinematic in place of a proper start would be EPIC FAIL was only good for showing he isn't retarded.

More backstory of things I already knew. Fluff. Typical concerns of fans.

Stating the obvious. Also, "majority" equals 20% of the original GoW team? What's the percentile for the GoWII people with GoWIII I wonder? I trust those that stayed are the key people then..

Picture - Kratos and the ruins of Mount Olympus with a generic fiery Titan in the background. A good set piece.

Picture 2 - A better look at Kratos. Clearly he has the MAX Athena's Blades (not the Godly version mid you).

Page 4

Picture 1 - "Tisiphone"...a Fury? We're finally going to be dealing with a Fury? About time. Kratos has really racked up their attention by now I'd guess...though the wall in question is just a defensive gate in Tartarus..it is named after one of the 3 Sisters (always 3 when it counts).."avenging murder".

Could prove interesting but I somewhat doubt we'll fight one or even see one..sort of like how I have no hopes for Hecatonchires (though they could totally do this now), Ladon, the proper Cyclops (Primordial), Giants, etc. let alone seeing Thanatos and other such figures. It would be cool to see a few of the prisoners of Tartarus...the ones with the REAL punishments. That would be a treat.

I know what I don't want in the Underwolrd though... ****ing Gorgons! They don't belong there. Why do they keep leaving out the Cerberus variatons who are PERFECT for such a setting? Why not finally give us the TRUE Cerberus as a worthy boss to shame the pitiful Cerberus Bastard and at least match Pandora's Guardian? Why not give us the dropped Upper Pandora's Guardian since they already had the idea set-up before and need only find a new reason/location to battle it. Just crossing the presence of the latter boss with the mobility of the former would be interesting enough to qualify as a threat to us.

In CoO there were even Sphinx's down there...why? You would have thought that we would have fought Wraiths of Asphodel when at....ASPHODEL. But no. Gorgons, Cyclops, Harpies, etc. It wasn't even depicted in a proper way really.

So we have this giant gate. We'll get back to talking about this tetris-looking thing.

Wait...why does a Fury have a wall?..As long as its a fun/cool part, it doesn't have to make sense I suppose.

Picture 2 - Already covered this fellas.

Picture 3 - Zeus looks slightly dull/less sharp then in GoWII despite the upgrade in graphics. Odd.

Page 5

Knows Kratos? I should hope so. Responsible for the Ares bit in Athens? Well done, good sir.


A tall order. I like the attitude though. To really succeed, it HAS to be better then even GoWII as an experience. That's just how it is I feel. They have a lot to live up to. Let's hope they don't block off the "good glitches" and lovable features of GoW1 and GoWII..rather add the ones that worked and take out the crap. I like the fighting of GoWII better but preferred the GoW1 Blades. RotT worked better (usability) but RotG had the superior attacks/power. I could go on. Later.

'Not doing anything for the sake of spectacle'...I doubt that given his previous positions. Spectacle is needed for its own sake though they can assign it a purpose easily enough.

Cute description. Another retelling of where GoWII left off.

Is that to say the titans will be killing off a few (and vice versa) before we get to? Oh good..a size comparison that boils down to 'they're huge, dude'. It's a titan. If they've seen GoW1, GoWII or CoO..chances are they know how big they are already.

Promising talk. It was obvious the titans would attack us. I appreciate that they were open about it.

Repeating the above.


Excitable fellows...

I don't really care about polygon talk. Though the talk of how it wouldn't work on the PS2 was nicely put.

(Poseidon 'horse-bug with water blood' minion)LOL WUT? He always had the freakiest servants I suppose >____>. Though I'd rather stick it to the larger beasts in his territory. Such as the true Kraken, Charbydis, Scylla, Cetus, etc. Hell, why not TRUE Sirens for once? Also, LOL we killed one of his kids. (Theseus) Killed Hades wife (sent her to oblivion) according to CoO but I guess he wasn't terribly sore about that little bit of business.

Sweet talk with graphics. It's standard these days for cutscenes to be done with the in-game engine.

Picture 1 - Cestus repelling everybody like with Lance of the Fures (GoW1). Nice. I DO NOT care for the black/blue coloration of the Undead. It's really boring.

Picture 2- HORRIBLE coloration but quality design. The shield is fine as is but I don't care for the dark look for these 'Magic Legionnaires'. SRSLY. I'd rather have bright colors sooner then black in this case. The shield should probably glow a little to note off that it can stop our assaults in some manner.

Page 6

Lovely fluff.

All the areas fans could hope for? Quite a boost. Presumptious and perhaps a bit of an over-reach.

"Blades of Chaos". ಠ_ಠ

Mixed feelings is where they should have left the talk of Artemis and the SoD. Only the horribly broken (in power) weapons gave incentive by their definition/standards. They know nothing and should not speak on that matter. I would agree that CoO's guantlet was an advance for GoW subs despite being horribly broken in power/stuns.

The various weapons DID have different play $tyles when in the hands of pros. Even between the vets, the weapon can be handled differently depending on a variety of things besides just taste. I needn't go into details. If they can expand on that, good deal.

The Cestsus....the double GoZ (sockem boppers) that apparently has spiked balls on chains inside..as bizarre/exotic as that is...it could work. I can see quite a pit of potention with this 'toy' though they've only really shown it used like a pair of... well you get the idea.

The ability to repel foes...NOT useful in previous titles?...I disagree. (to put it politely) 50 punks to crush? I doubt it will be pushed past 30 at once as that is just rediculous even with grunts (try keeping up with that on 'Very Hard'...and try surviving when you add a costume designed to cripple us like General Kratos did...WHO HA! Bring it.)

Oh? New situations...do go on. 'Dog pile'?..Hopefully that isn't used poorly...it would just be REALLY annoying like when Fallen Legionnaires would whore grabs along ropes before the Hades' Shield gauntlet. (just aweful)

A 'phalanx'? I'm truely surprised I never thought of this as a feature for group AI concerning those otherwise non-threatening foes. It should prove interesting to see that worked through the title..hopefully they use it to good effect...they note one such clever use later. Though I dont' see how they would block our progress if we just lept over it...unless they add an invisible wall.. or the attack us viciously to prevent the evasion. I wonder if they will form up as a wall, large circle, troop, wave/wall or...well they don't really go into any sort of detail. It would be nice if they had mire then one formation used for different scenarios but I doubt that's going to happen.

Picture 1 - See I see...

Picture 2 - I should hope so.

Picture 3 - Sounds about right.

Three's a Crowd - All true. It has to be done. Just do add it in an interesting way. Let's do 2 goddesses this time. Make it a flashback or dream sequence if need be, but we've had our fill of mortals. If not true gods, why not nymphs and the like? Either way it's just an optional sort of Easter Egg for EXP as per usual.

Page 7

Commanders? Here I had just been discussing how that would have been interesting for R:FoM to have done. GoW does it first...lovely. Centaurs as one of these leaders? Fitting. A Satyr could do the job well enough I'd say. I suppose 'Captains' will be actually leading fights this time around. It certainly makes sense.

Controlling foes? Could work if not too silly about it. I'd rather see Beast Lords return (with their original look) and control a greater variety of foes. (at least control a Cerberus to go with the Cyclops Berserker) It would be nice if Cyclops could do the wall climbing, weapon improvising/losing bit, be ridden by us and foes (grand theft cyclops), be hit in the eye (like Beowulf of DMC3), etc. Rather then just be a big stupid target, they could be that and a 'fight changer'. It was a bit odd that only the Cyclops Tyrant interacted with Wild Boars (and that it was JUST the boars) and not the others.

They don't explain how to mount or control it very well. Would be neat if it had at least ALL the attacks we see the Cyclops Berserkers using with a Beast Lord at the helm. Plenty of cool/fun possibilities for fights with that. The navigational and puzzle aspects were expected...

Picture 1 - ...That's...interesting..

Page 8

So both of these vital chains are phalanx protected..then a flood of losers with a Cyclops (how precious, they brought us a tool) appear only for us to cease the one-eyed dope then charge their ranks. Lovely. Though the bit about grapping harpies sounds a bit...fruity to be honest. Sort of like what's in Darksider:Wrath of War but with navigation added to it.

All true.

We've heard it all before. Interesting call about the regenerating bar for 'items/relics'...though they too will get restricted for our Specialty Runs.

A fiery Typhon's Bane? Apollo's perhaps? Doubtful as they ignored that god outside the naming of a few GoW1 attacks. Replaced by Helios.

Picture 1 - Looks like "s3" a bit.

Picture 2 - The Centaur looks a bit like Goro, Motaro and Omega Shenron put together. I hope they have an Underworld version with the flesh stripped off as they had wanted to do for GoW1. They have the tech now..so do all those lovely things that the 'pretty' wasn't up to before. Also, Spartan Armor Kratos...and BLUE KRATOS.

I sort of want there to be these Melee Centaurs..but I also want the old Archer types and said Hades variety. Satyrs should return to as they were in GoW1. Satyr Champions were WAY too predicatable and weak to live up to that name. (THEY HAVE TO BE HARDCORE/REDICULOUS for such a title to be accurate) Minotaurs too though I like the unique Hades Minotaur of GoWII versus the stupid fiery, WEAK versions of GoW1. Sirens were mostly better in GoW1 as were the Captains. Desert Sirens had that rare psychic shock abilit that's sort of like the Widow shriek.

NOTE: We should have fought a Cyclops Desert Kings in the desert rather then Minotaur Hammer Grunts (back-up for the 3 Desert Sirens). Or at least as their own battle. We never fought IN the sand either...I get that it was lethal but having it drain life rather then outright kill us could have afforded a good fighting situation or two.

Picture 3 - Why do they show the dropped Chimera boss if they aren't going to even bring it up? I doubt it'll turn up but if it does..it better look like that.

The Evolving Kill - We know this.

Sixaxis controls....

Standard kill..though the slow tearing could put it over-the-top I suppose.

The other sounds a bit iffy. It would be less silly from Kratos view and I'd probably prefer it in the long run..giving us the option between the two views would be nice. When they say "old man", I can't help but picture the Gravedigger though I'd rather beat the life out of the Boat Captain (again).

Page 9

One can't help but wonder what'll make the cut beyond the Wings and Fleece (if only as Urns should they do that again *they should*...also the Arena..and challlenges...obviously).

Clearly we HAVE to do battle with Stheno (final Gorgon sister) and take her head as a power. It would be STUPID if we didn't. Petrification is just a series staple (CoO was cheapened for the lack of it). They better keep i-frames in the drawing animations as they did with GoWII at the VERY LEAST. That was great. Bring back homeruns for a weapon or two..there's a bit of play $tyle altering for you..

New benefactors...again. He should just steal the souls of deities to take their power (sort of like Dante with lesser demons or even Nightmare..."Souls! Come on to me!" HUR HUR HUR). We be given a power when he could just TAKE it?

Picture 1 - Hades as seen in GoWII

Picture 2 - What...the hell is that?

Picture 3 - "s1" on Legionnaires. Lovely.

Page 10

All very good and very expected.

As we recall, the Underworld was a FAVORED section in CoO, was barely in GoWII and was infamous in GoW1 (though it wasn't THAT rediculous). By now I expect it to follow CoO's example as far as enjoyability goes in the Underworld...but I want proper fighting (GoWII) and an epic feel (GoW1). The wall is promising as a 'piece' I'll admit..

Hades fight sounds interesting enough. I do hope he puts his minions to use for the fight..he should have the AoH spell too for when he gets SERIOUS. Like a cross between the BK's 'Sharpshooter' and Zeus' 'Lightning shield'. His blades could latch on us (specific attack) and drain us of mana rapidly (think High Priests of the Fates' grab but with continous *weak* damage) and if we take too long, he just rips ALL of our power out. We would deserve it for losing such a basic mini-game. A little Hellraiser $tyle **** with the chains could prove interesting. DARKNESS (his invisibility helm) should play a part too. Hades has got to be epic. He had his bident replaced with chain blades (the inspiration for Kratos' we can assume) that look to take good energy/magic and seal it away *though you could say it steals souls*, commands the dead, has a superior version of what Perseus was able to do and.....his flesh chunks try to go back to him like a T-1000? Sort of 'off' but it could work. Pity a good deal of what I said is just things I wish for and not confirmed parts of the fight.

Environment-based bosses tend to be better received by the average player. Technical bosses are harshly judged. The Sisters of Fate fight with Lahkesis and Atropos being probably the only such case that was truely well received all-in-all. I liked the others but there are plenty who found those to be....not to their liking.

(Gaia interferes in our fight) Interesting sequence they speak of.

It's hard to really picture fighting a foe of that magnitude.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

I half expect DLC via challenges, skins, etc. ...and I would totally buy those. Only for the GoW series would I put up with such **** let alone go along with it.

Kratos should just die and be at peace. If they want future titles, do the past and do it RIGHT. Cover the right years too. Don't go and have us do things like killing a god before we had ever done so or had a way to. That's stupid.

It's hard to imagine Sony being so trusthing with this series but I appreciate it nontheless. It is in capable hands. Leave it be.

This we know.

Picture 1 - How strange...that could prove interesting to try and cover properly...I'd have to describe the PARTS rather then the whole with a given foe as such.

Hidden Gems - Crap I don't wish to discuss further.

~Now to wait for Friday's info..

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#57 optiow
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I really do hope Posideon is in the game, I could not imagine the game without fighting him.

And I wonder if the Titans will betray Kratos...

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#58 MrStarkiller
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optiow: "What? Are you dense? You retarded or something?" - The goddamn Batman

They already state titans attack Kratos. Gaia halfway assaults him. Kratos is fighting gods and titans.

Poseidon is one of the 3 brothers...the Kings. Kratos will kill all of them, rest assured. Hades will probably go first. Then Poseidon. Ending with Zeus.

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#59 Alucard_rules
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MrSK:TL:DR. Kidding. I read it all, and enjoyed your insight. optiow:That is pretty obvious by now. Basically assured.
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#60 MrStarkiller
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Alucard: It was more a 'read then reaspond' sort of post but noting having read it will due for now.
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#61 Alucard_rules
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I'm tired. I haven't had a good night's sleep in like 5 days, and my roommate and a friend of his are playing Halo, so I'm not likely to get to sleep right away. I'm just wondering whether I'll try to go to bed now, and ignore them, or try and find crap to do until they finally go to bed.
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#62 MrStarkiller
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I've not been getting proper rest either but nobody is keeping me up but my own poor habits of staying up later and later with each night..a hard habit to kick.
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#63 optiow
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I to am not sleeping well...I find it hard to sleep these days, and it does not help that I get glued to games for hours at a time so I end up going to bed at some gahstly hour.

Maybe I should have anearly night...nah.

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#64 Mr-Lucifer
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Seems I'm the only one who's actually sleeping pretty well lately. Nice change.

MrSK: I'll respond to your post later, I read about half of it but I should actually get around to reading all of the original article first. I haven't been swept up in the hype so I left it till the weekend (/now, I'm off school).

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#65 MrStarkiller
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What's with all this 'hype' talk? It's just the spirit of discussion. Because it's all new it is suddenly hype?

Lucifer: Later then.

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#66 Mr-Lucifer
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Hype was just my way of putting "I didn't feel it was important enough to drop everything to read it".
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#67 MrStarkiller
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tl;dr would have sufficed.
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#68 MrCycleCancel
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I term any or all pre release speculation/discussion as hype.

What we say will have no effect so what is the point in becoming too worked up about it?

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#69 MrStarkiller
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Then you are of no interest to me in this topic as you have no creative/inspirational/deductive worth. It's a game of its own. To cover it properly, critique, speculate, etc., as well.

~To keep up to date is one such point. Review the past "Comprehensive Threads" upon the date they started to their end. It easily has more point then a union game.

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#70 Mr-Lucifer
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Gentlemen... http://www.gametrailers.com/player/45513.html
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#71 Mr-Lucifer
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Now that I'm into this a bit more, I may as well reply.

Will we be getting a GoWIII comprehensive thread? I know we have another year but with the recent blowout it seems appropriate.


Picture 1 - "Tisiphone"...a Fury? We're finally going to be dealing with a Fury? About time. Kratos has really racked up their attention by now I'd guess...though the wall in question is just a defensive gate in Tartarus..it is named after one of the 3 Sisters (always 3 when it counts).."avenging murder".

Interesting stuff indeed.

Could prove interesting but I somewhat doubt we'll fight one or even see one..sort of like how I have no hopes for Hecatonchires (though they could totally do this now), Ladon, the proper Cyclops (Primordial), Giants, etc. let alone seeing Thanatos and other such figures. It would be cool to see a few of the prisoners of Tartarus...the ones with the REAL punishments. That would be a treat.

Also agreed.

I know what I don't want in the Underwolrd though... ****ing Gorgons! They don't belong there. Why do they keep leaving out the Cerberus variatons who are PERFECT for such a setting? Why not finally give us the TRUE Cerberus as a worthy boss to shame the pitiful Cerberus Bastard and at least match Pandora's Guardian? Why not give us the dropped Upper Pandora's Guardian since they already had the idea set-up before and need only find a new reason/location to battle it. Just crossing the presence of the latter boss with the mobility of the former would be interesting enough to qualify as a threat to us.

I just hope Hades/Tartarus gets the attention it deserves, some of it should be borderline horrific, the series has done okay so far but none of what we've seen of Hades has been all that..."scary" I suppose.

Bear in mind I haven't seen all of Tartarus in CoO, so I could be wrong.

A tall order. I like the attitude though. To really succeed, it HAS to be better then even GoWII as an experience. That's just how it is I feel. They have a lot to live up to. Let's hope they don't block off the "good glitches" and lovable features of GoW1 and GoWII..rather add the ones that worked and take out the crap. I like the fighting of GoWII better but preferred the GoW1 Blades. RotT worked better (usability) but RotG had the superior attacks/power. I could go on. Later.

Personally I don't think they'll be quite so many useful glitches in this game. I'm sure we'll find some...but from what I've seen this generation there are very few (useful) game-breaking glitches. These games don't get the attention given to the GoW series though...

However, we musn't forget about patches this generation. If they discover anything in their game that shouldn't be there, rest assured it won't be there long.

Now that I've had the chance to go back and get re-aquainted with GoW1's blades I agree, the BoCs were better. I doubt Kratos will use either Rage of the Titan's or God's in this one. The article said something about Kratos not having help in this one, so he'll be finding ways to make his own "spells", or something of that nature. Kratos may have his own kind of Rage in this installment.

While writing that, Fury's sprung to mind but I doubt it.

(Poseidon 'horse-bug with water blood' minion)LOL WUT? He always had the freakiest servants I suppose >____>. Though I'd rather stick it to the larger beasts in his territory. Such as the true Kraken, Charbydis, Scylla, Cetus, etc. Hell, why not TRUE Sirens for once? Also, LOL we killed one of his kids. (Theseus) Killed Hades wife (sent her to oblivion) according to CoO but I guess he wasn't terribly sore about that little bit of business.

Theseus was a son of Poseidon? Interesting.

Never heard of Cetus, but I may as well look it up.

Mixed feelings is where they should have left the talk of Artemis and the SoD. Only the horribly broken (in power) weapons gave incentive by their definition/standards. They know nothing and should not speak on that matter. I would agree that CoO's guantlet was an advance for GoW subs despite being horribly broken in power/stuns.

Ignorance is just something we'll have to endure, it seems.

The Cestsus....the double GoZ (sockem boppers) that apparently has spiked balls on chains inside..as bizarre/exotic as that is...it could work. I can see quite a pit of potention with this 'toy' though they've only really shown it used like a pair of... well you get the idea.

The ability to repel foes...NOT useful in previous titles?...I disagree. (to put it politely) 50 punks to crush? I doubt it will be pushed past 30 at once as that is just rediculous even with grunts (try keeping up with that on 'Very Hard'...and try surviving when you add a costume designed to cripple us like General Kratos did...WHO HA! Bring it.)

Seems they're getting especially serious about this game, good...I'm not fond of novelty costumes AT ALL. SRS BZNZ all the way.

Oh? New situations...do go on. 'Dog pile'?..Hopefully that isn't used poorly...it would just be REALLY annoying like when Fallen Legionnaires would whore grabs along ropes before the Hades' Shield gauntlet. (just aweful)

Jesus Christ I hated traversing ropes in that game.

A 'phalanx'? I'm truely surprised I never thought of this as a feature for group AI concerning those otherwise non-threatening foes. It should prove interesting to see that worked through the title..hopefully they use it to good effect...they note one such clever use later. Though I dont' see how they would block our progress if we just lept over it...unless they add an invisible wall.. or the attack us viciously to prevent the evasion. I wonder if they will form up as a wall, large circle, troop, wave/wall or...well they don't really go into any sort of detail. It would be nice if they had mire then one formation used for different scenarios but I doubt that's going to happen.

That stuck out to me as well, it sounds very interesting though I too see no reason we couldn't get out, let's face, it there must be some way out, jumps being the obvious choice but shields can't block shockwave attacks. (Or at least...they shouldn't)

Three's a Crowd - All true. It has to be done. Just do add it in an interesting way. Let's do 2 goddesses this time. Make it a flashback or dream sequence if need be, but we've had our fill of mortals. If not true gods, why not nymphs and the like? Either way it's just an optional sort of Easter Egg for EXP as per usual.

A muse (/muses) would be nice and ironic...

Commanders? Here I had just been discussing how that would have been interesting for R:FoM to have done. GoW does it first...lovely. Centaurs as one of these leaders? Fitting. A Satyr could do the job well enough I'd say. I suppose 'Captains' will be actually leading fights this time around. It certainly makes sense.

Speaking of which, I'm liking the centaur designs.

They don't explain how to mount or control it very well. Would be neat if it had at least ALL the attacks we see the Cyclops Berserkers using with a Beast Lord at the helm. Plenty of cool/fun possibilities for fights with that. The navigational and puzzle aspects were expected...

Gears of War 2 came to mind while reading the part. I don't suppose any of you will know but there's a section of the game where you take control of a Brumak...easily one of the most entertaining sections of the game. What could go wrong when controlling a 20 story T-rex with mother****ing guns attached?

Yeah, a lot. Let's hope GoW does it right.

We've heard it all before. Interesting call about the regenerating bar for 'items/relics'...though they too will get restricted for our Specialty Runs.

I wonder if I-frames are still in...I can't help but think "no", but perhaps something else will come along.

Picture 1 - Looks like "s3" a bit.

I was surprised to see Spirit of Hercules done in the new trailer. S5>T ****as well.

Picture 2 - The Centaur looks a bit like Goro, Motaro and Omega Shenron put together. I hope they have an Underworld version with the flesh stripped off as they had wanted to do for GoW1. They have the tech now..so do all those lovely things that the 'pretty' wasn't up to before. Also, Spartan Armor Kratos...and BLUE KRATOS.


Sixaxis controls....

I sincerely hope not.

Standard kill..though the slow tearing could put it over-the-top I suppose.

Over the top in my GoW? Never good sir.

The other sounds a bit iffy. It would be less silly from Kratos view and I'd probably prefer it in the long run..giving us the option between the two views would be nice. When they say "old man", I can't help but picture the Gravedigger though I'd rather beat the life out of the Boat Captain (again).

In another article it turns out we rip off Helios' head, not only that but it becomes a sub-weapon that gives light in dark places...crazy ****.

Picture 1 - Hades as seen in GoWII

Seems that's the way it's going to be. I wish he had some kind of armour, god damn it anything but a loin cloth...but it'll do.

Hades fight sounds interesting enough. I do hope he puts his minions to use for the fight..he should have the AoH spell too for when he gets SERIOUS. Like a cross between the BK's 'Sharpshooter' and Zeus' 'Lightning shield'. His blades could latch on us (specific attack) and drain us of mana rapidly (think High Priests of the Fates' grab but with continous *weak* damage) and if we take too long, he just rips ALL of our power out. We would deserve it for losing such a basic mini-game. A little Hellraiser $tyle **** with the chains could prove interesting. DARKNESS (his invisibility helm) should play a part too. Hades has got to be epic. He had his bident replaced with chain blades (the inspiration for Kratos' we can assume) that look to take good energy/magic and seal it away *though you could say it steals souls*, commands the dead, has a superior version of what Perseus was able to do and.....his flesh chunks try to go back to him like a T-1000? Sort of 'off' but it could work. Pity a good deal of what I said is just things I wish for and not confirmed parts of the fight.

Hades using AoH against us...Jesus Christ.

~Now to wait for Friday's info..

Seems it'll be featured on X-Play tonight, at whichever time 8PM EST is over here. Probably 10-11.

I do hope someone will be playing the game THERE rather than just giving us something pre-recorded.

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#72 Kuro-sama
Member since 2008 • 2975 Posts

Oh my god. I came.


As soon as I heard the video was up! 

~Spirit for the win! Also that "alt" OH he does that pulls HIM up to the enemy? That trailer was absolutely delicious.  

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#73 Alucard_rules
Member since 2006 • 1385 Posts

MrL:Saw it, but appreciate the link here nonetheless.


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#74 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts

I like the look of the enemys, and that move he did with OH was great.

And it is good to  seesome centars again.

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#75 rininganboy
Member since 2007 • 330 Posts
I really liked the new OH move and also how when he used the legionnaire as a battering ram, I liked that his momentum slowed down the longer he used it like what you'd expect in real life. They still haven't explained how Kratos can run up walls(is part of a minigame, a new magic, or just a new special ability?)
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#76 Mr-Lucifer
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What I'd like explained is how Gaia is ever horizontal, whether standing or climbing, you would expect her back to be vertical.
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#77 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts

I really liked the new OH move and also how when he used the legionnaire as a battering ram, I liked that his momentum slowed down the longer he used it like what you'd expect in real life. They still haven't explained how Kratos can run up walls(is part of a minigame, a new magic, or just a new special ability?)rininganboy

I think it is a mini game.

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#78 elon005
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Official Website: http://www.us.playstation.com/GodofWarIII/
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#79 optiow
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Official Website: http://www.us.playstation.com/GodofWarIII/elon005

*goes to website*

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#80 Kuro-sama
Member since 2008 • 2975 Posts
Kratos' legs shone just before he ran up the wall, which leads me to believe it's an ability of some sort, but it may have just been a pretty effect.
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#81 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts

Kratos' legs shone just before he ran up the wall, which leads me to believe it's an ability of some sort, but it may have just been a pretty effect.Kuro-sama

You were looking at Kratos's legs...

My thoughts about you have been confirmed Kuro.

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#82 MrStarkiller
Member since 2008 • 18984 Posts

I won't go too far into the things revealed today just yet.

Lucifer: Let us begin.

(Comprehensive Thread) In-time. Recall that there are plenty of other things on my plate with TUGOWU and GoW alone. Not even considering the college angle (serious business) or other real world annoyances. (Ex: family)


(Wall of Tisiphone) The Underworld really isn't about 'scary' so much as grim, depressing, savage, etc. Though THAT depends on which part we speak of really.

(Glitches) We'll see. At one point we had concluded as such with GoWII...

Patches....they had better know their damn role...

(Rage) Obviously. IF there is a Rage at all, I speak of the traits I find desirable in previous versions.

(Theseus) Theseus (like many greek heroes) was a demi-god. Perseus, Hercules, Achilles, etc. being others.

Poseidon's realm is possibly less well known then Hades' own. It's a freakish place that doesn't really get a good deal of discussion.

(Costumes) I certainly hope so.

(Ropes) I think vertical ropes are the worst since there is STILL no fast way up the bastards. At least in GoWII we have a quick trick for the horizontal variety. Odd that we didn't have any of the swinging type in GoWII prior to use Chain Blade swinging all over. Probably for the best.

(Group AI) I'd just love to have a back-and-forth about ideas for such interactions. Care to be the 'dancing partner'?

(Sex) And relatively (incest) hilarious if Kratos was depecticted in a nonconsensual way (HA! HA!). That would be a video too good to pass on sharing with an old friend of ours.

This Centaur design is indeed good but I'll want the Archer type too at the very least. I'd expected the GoW1 ideas that were too demanding (graphically) to show up...like the skinned Centaur, Spartan Armor Kratos, etc.

(Riding) I've seen the whole of Gears 1 and Gears 2 via "Insane" Walkthroughs and Speedruns. Unlike with the Brumak, we haven't suddenly become pals with our 'pet'. Kratos does not work that way. As for how well it works out, we'll have to see for ourselves...with all this talk of crowd control....I have to wonder about the application of COLLISIONS as we've known them... I fear the worst.

(i-frames) They had to have known about all those instances they allowed previously. Why stop now? Leave that sort of thing for the HARCORE players to put to use. They had talked about appealing to casuals with the approachable controls yet leaving a depth in it for the dedicated to enjoy...this being one such thing that should be left alone. (like 'good glitches' *if not there naturally, ADD THEM as secrets for us to find/use like alt.OH*)

(s,s,s,s,s,t) Indeed. Interesting follow-up attacks too.

(Sixaxis) They seem a bit unsure/hesitant...rightly so.

(Head rip) Helios...wow

(Helios Head) So I've read/'seen'. Have you checked out ALL the links I offer in the Home Page update?

(Hades) He's just going to get raped anyway.

AoH would be an attack we could not afford to treat lightly.

(X-PLAY) So I've seen...among other things.


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#83 Alucard_rules
Member since 2006 • 1385 Posts

I won't go too far into the things revealed today just yet.

Lucifer: Let us begin.

(Comprehensive Thread) In-time. Recall that there are plenty of other things on my plate with TUGOWU and GoW alone. Not even considering the college angle (serious business) or other real world annoyances. (Ex: family)


(Wall of Tisiphone) The Underworld really isn't about 'scary' so much as grim, depressing, savage, etc. Though THAT depends on which part we speak of really.I agree, I prefer grim, not "scary" in GOW, scary doesn't really have a place in it.

(Glitches) We'll see. At one point we had concluded as such with GoWII...

Patches....they had better know their damn role...

(Rage) Obviously. IF there is a Rage at all, I speak of the traits I find desirable in previous versions.I do hope there is a RAGE in this game, it was a nice little ace in the hole, and Chains was a little poorer for not having one.

(Theseus) Theseus (like many greek heroes) was a demi-god. Perseus, Hercules, Achilles, etc. being others.

Poseidon's realm is possibly less well known then Hades' own. It's a freakish place that doesn't really get a good deal of discussion.

(Costumes) I certainly hope so.

(Ropes) I think vertical ropes are the worst since there is STILL no fast way up the bastards. At least in GoWII we have a quick trick for the horizontal variety. Odd that we didn't have any of the swinging type in GoWII prior to use Chain Blade swinging all over. Probably for the best.

(Group AI) I'd just love to have a back-and-forth about ideas for such interactions. Care to be the 'dancing partner'?I'm liking the sound of smarter, tactical AI, because it will make encounters more unique.

(Sex) And relatively (incest) hilarious if Kratos was depecticted in a nonconsensual way (HA! HA!). That would be a video too good to pass on sharing with an old friend of ours.Indeed.

This Centaur design is indeed good but I'll want the Archer type too at the very least. I'd expected the GoW1 ideas that were too demanding (graphically) to show up...like the skinned Centaur, Spartan Armor Kratos, etc.I still don't get how the spartan armor Kratos could have been too graphically demanding, compared to the Ares Armor costume, but I do hope for some new variations on enemies.

(Riding) I've seen the whole of Gears 1 and Gears 2 via "Insane" Walkthroughs and Speedruns. Unlike with the Brumak, we haven't suddenly become pals with our 'pet'. Kratos does not work that way. As for how well it works out, we'll have to see for ourselves...with all this talk of crowd control....I have to wonder about the application of COLLISIONS as we've known them... I fear the worst.Well, in one of the plethora of articles I read yesterday, when we grab a small enemy, we have the four face button choices, I think tapping O makes Kratos repeatedly punch it until it is dead, X throws the enemy(This is what gives me hope for keeping collisions), T tries to rip it apart, and S has Kratos use it as a shield, or battering ram if you're running at a group of enemies.

(i-frames) They had to have known about all those instances they allowed previously. Why stop now? Leave that sort of thing for the HARCORE players to put to use. They had talked about appealing to casuals with the approachable controls yet leaving a depth in it for the dedicated to enjoy...this being one such thing that should be left alone. (like 'good glitches' *if not there naturally, ADD THEM as secrets for us to find/use like alt.OH*)I'm quite sure they'll keep I-frames, just not necessarily all the nice little ones that are abusable(EH,TB).

(s,s,s,s,s,t) Indeed. Interesting follow-up attacks too.

(Sixaxis) They seem a bit unsure/hesitant...rightly so.

(Head rip) Helios...wowI really, really, really, am mad that that demo has not been SHOWN to us as a video, all we're getting is screens, which is better than nothing, but still.

(Helios Head) So I've read/'seen'. Have you checked out ALL the links I offer in the Home Page update?

(Hades) He's just going to get raped anyway.

AoH would be an attack we could not afford to treat lightly.

(X-PLAY) So I've seen...among other things.


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#84 MrStarkiller
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Alucard: Let's do this.

(Rage) This is true.

(Group AI) One should hope so. Just more things to note off in creature specifics (Tactics/Tips).

(Spartan Armor) It wasn't that it didn't work, rather it just didn't look very good..not to Jaffe's liking with the PS2's power.

(Riding) Circle is probaly just the punches leading up to the 'slam and stab of old' (EXP milking), "X" throws (the 360 toss or the GoWII throw at a single, close foe?), Triangle does the body tear *staple* and Square now does a 'battering ram'. I read it to. I've read basically everything I linked to on the Home Page and watched all the videos (though they repeat themselves quite a lot).

(i-frames) Obviously things like AQ, Efreet and PR will have i-frames. Rolls, parrys, etc. too. (in their own way) Things like Artemis "unsheathing", Bow/Head drawing, etc. are what interests me most. Having a few during spell specials, attacks, etc. is lovely too.

(Demo) How could I not agree? Typical really. We're being forced to wait until E3 where we are sort of likely to see a different area instead with another 'private demo'...that gets shared with us through the net. Never released.

~Anyone else

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#85 MrCycleCancel
Member since 2008 • 1869 Posts

I have nothing of worth to add. I'd rather sit on the sidlines and get my kicks as a voyeur.

Group enemy AI sounds interesting. Of cours the use of the word "inteligence" when preceded by "artificial" is something of an oxymoron.

 All I want from "rage" is tank qualities and insta-breakout. Fancy new movesets can suck my pink spherical objects.

If a new rage comes with kixkbottom new moves then great but it does not concern me overly.

This talk of making it accessible to casuals is all well and good, much better is the idea of leaving in PROTRICKS.

If Gorgon Head tricking does not appear I will be a sad panda.

Roll to quick triangle would be nice.

The "altOH" stuff looks so sweet.

Collisions better not get the CoO treatment.

 Bonus play better make a return too.

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#86 MrStarkiller
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Only a little. Not like the natural stuff is a great deal better..

There's more to Rage then that and you know it.


Prepare to be sad.

Quick "t1" was glorious. As were many things about the GoW1 Blades

Indeed though it is more an 'OH2' then 'alt.OH'. I was expecting that ability back in GoWII >____>.

If they've GOT to revert it (they don't), at least have what GoW1 had....GoWII is the current standard barer by default in this field.

This is a given. To what extent, we'll see. Challenges, Arena, Costumes, Urns, Easter Eggs, etc. ...all quite essential to our love affair with this series now. They appeared to have taken the NUR into account with GoWII..perhaps more then they realized..while acting out against the glitch speedruns...or just glitches in general.

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#87 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts
I like the idea of the group AI, it will make the game more interesting.
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#88 MrCycleCancel
Member since 2008 • 1869 Posts

Quiet you. Adults are talking.

 Nice slur upon "natural intelligence".

We are both quite aware of the full usefulness of Rage. The things I stated are my minimum requirements.


I can deal with there being no free tricking. Sure I will lose my present angle but I have coping skills. I am addamptable.

 Challenges will happen. Costumes? I'd like a "challenge" one.

Easter Egg? meh.

Arena? who knows. FULLY customisable would be nice. Time will tell.

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#89 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts
well thats not very nice is it.
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#90 MrCycleCancel
Member since 2008 • 1869 Posts

Nice? I never claimed to be.

Take it on the chin and keep your stiff up her lip.

Or something like that.

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#91 optiow
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#92 Mr-Lucifer
Member since 2008 • 741 Posts
Is that a zero?
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#93 MrCycleCancel
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l00ks just like 0ne t0 me
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#94 01_855403
Member since 2006 • 1004 Posts
did you guys see that wikipedia said that GOW 3 will be released in 2010.
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#95 MrStarkiller
Member since 2008 • 18984 Posts

Numbers: Haven't checked their article but it isn't official. The status is TBA right now. E3 is the earliest (June 2nd) we can expect talk of release. I will agree with whoever added it that it will be a 2010 release (March like GoW1, GoWII and CoO*?*)

I trust you've seen the Homepage updates (a telegram was sent about them though it should have linked to each to reach the fullest attentions of our non-regulars/ex-regulars/lurkers..the wayward of TUGOWU.

You should introduce yourself. I don't believe I've ever seen you post in the years you've been a member. You appear pretty clear of moderations. Always a plus.

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#96 Alucard_rules
Member since 2006 • 1385 Posts

Alucard: Let's do this.

(Rage) This is true.

(Group AI) One should hope so. Just more things to note off in creature specifics (Tactics/Tips).

(Spartan Armor) It wasn't that it didn't work, rather it just didn't look very good..not to Jaffe's liking with the PS2's power.I see now.

(Riding) Circle is probaly just the punches leading up to the 'slam and stab of old' (EXP milking), "X" throws (the 360 toss or the GoWII throw at a single, close foe?), Triangle does the body tear *staple* and Square now does a 'battering ram'. I read it to. I've read basically everything I linked to on the Home Page and watched all the videos (though they repeat themselves quite a lot).Yeah, most of the "blowout" was the same exact stuff shared between all the big gaming sites/sources and each with a little article of their own saying the same thing, sometimes just more stupidly.

(i-frames) Obviously things like AQ, Efreet and PR will have i-frames. Rolls, parrys, etc. too. (in their own way) Things like Artemis "unsheathing", Bow/Head drawing, etc. are what interests me most. Having a few during spell specials, attacks, etc. is lovely too.Agreed.

(Demo) How could I not agree? Typical really. We're being forced to wait until E3 where we are sort of likely to see a different area instead with another 'private demo'...that gets shared with us through the net. Never released.I'm going to hold out some hope that they'll show us that demo at some point soon, if not, we are for sure getting E3 coverage, which should rock ****.

~Anyone else


I have nothing of worth to add. I'd rather sit on the sidlines and get my kicks as a voyeur.

Group enemy AI sounds interesting. Of cours the use of the word "inteligence" when preceded by "artificial" is something of an oxymoron.

 All I want from "rage" is tank qualities and insta-breakout. Fancy new movesets can suck my pink spherical objects.

If a new rage comes with kixkbottom new moves then great but it does not concern me overly.

This talk of making it accessible to casuals is all well and good, much better is the idea of leaving in PROTRICKS.I agree, I'm tired of every game developer trying to make this accessable to casuals, it makes things a little poorer if taken too far, of course there is something to be said about not making things stupidly complicated.

If Gorgon Head tricking does not appear I will be a sad panda.

Roll to quick triangle would be nice.

The "altOH" stuff looks so sweet.

Collisions better not get the CoO treatment.I doubt it.

 Bonus play better make a return too.I HIGHLY doubt they'd take that out at this stage in the series, after realizing how good it is in GOWII and CoO.



Only a little. Not like the natural stuff is a great deal better..

There's more to Rage then that and you know it.


Prepare to be sad.


Quick "t1" was glorious. As were many things about the GoW1 Blades

Indeed though it is more an 'OH2' then 'alt.OH'. I was expecting that ability back in GoWII >____>.

If they've GOT to revert it (they don't), at least have what GoW1 had....GoWII is the current standard barer by default in this field.

This is a given. To what extent, we'll see. Challenges, Arena, Costumes, Urns, Easter Eggs, etc. ...all quite essential to our love affair with this series now. They appeared to have taken the NUR into account with GoWII..perhaps more then they realized..while acting out against the glitch speedruns...or just glitches in general.Agreed, this franchise is well known for all the little extra things it adds, and to not continue with that would be a slap in the face.


Quiet you. Adults are talking.

 Nice slur upon "natural intelligence".

We are both quite aware of the full usefulness of Rage. The things I stated are my minimum requirements.


I can deal with there being no free tricking. Sure I will lose my present angle but I have coping skills. I am addamptable.

 Challenges will happen. Costumes? I'd like a "challenge" one.Agreed, I'd also like more SERIOUS ones, as opposed to the mostly comical ones in Chains and GOW, I do want one or two joke costumes, max, but for the most part I want serious ones that have cool abilities.

Easter Egg? meh.

Arena? who knows. FULLY customisable would be nice.Agreed, as well as being able to fight bosses like this would be extremely nice. Time will tell.

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#97 rininganboy
Member since 2007 • 330 Posts
My only real gripe with it so far is the color of the skeletons. To me they look kinda muddy and also they are a bit hard to see in some places(at least in the forest on top of Gaia anyways).
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#98 Alucard_rules
Member since 2006 • 1385 Posts
Yeah, I kind of wish they weren't so grey and dark, but otherwise they look pretty good.
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#99 MrStarkiller
Member since 2008 • 18984 Posts

Riningan: I concur. It's passable for the regular legions but NOT beyond that. Look how boring the 'shieldman' look...

Alucard: You've got to know that sort of posting (quotes upon quotes) is frowned upon by GS...also, bold barely shows up so it can be difficult to figure where your responses are. Try underlines and the like.


(Riding) Too true. Another fellow listed even MORE sites covering it then I had. There was a point where I grew weary of repeats. Though just because...I could add his links.

(Demo) One can hope.

(Bonus Play) It was retarded that GoW1 didn't have it to begin with >____>.

(Extras) A sizable slap indeed.

(Costumes) I don't really want any silly ones at this point being the final true entry. Now I just want all the 'cool' possibilities realized. Instead of special properties for the attires specifically (or percentiles), they could just let us adjust the 'scale' manually rather then go through the hoops of what's what and which gets the bonus. Then I can use whatever attire I wish for a challenge run...though it is beneficial in a way for all that to be decided FOR us....pros and cons....

(Arena) I have no expectations of a 'fully realized' Arena. I just hope for one that is AT LEAST to the standards of the previous versions..no steps backward please.

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#100 optiow
Member since 2008 • 28284 Posts

Is that a zero?Mr-Lucifer

Yep, I dicided to put in a zero for a change.