Your thoughs on the Pokemon Series at this point

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#101 svaubel
Member since 2005 • 4571 Posts

Add me to the list of people wanting a full Pokemon RPG on the Wii. Even if it played like all the other portable games have in the main series, that I would buy.

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#102 FireEmblem_Man
Member since 2004 • 20251 Posts

Add me to the list of people wanting a full Pokemon RPG on the Wii. Even if it played like all the other portable games have in the main series, that I would buy.


They already did, it's called Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness.

What's the point of a console Pokemon game if the name is Pocket Monsters? You know, like how your DS fits in your pocket?

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#103 mlbslugger86
Member since 2004 • 12867 Posts

i grew out of pokemon so long ago that i can't believe this series is still alive and kicking

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#104 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts
[QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]I didn't think you read my post here, but I don't agree that they should cut down the 650. If they do then it is taking the series backwards. You can't find any of the of the past generation of Pokemon in the new land, you are forced to transfer them from the previous games after beating the Elite 4. Plus, the seasonal changes also is another step forward, different Pokemon comes in from different seasons just how Gold and Silver have different Pokemon in different time a dayThey also improved the Online features, no longer we have to play Battle Revolution to play against friends. Did I mention Co-Op is included?reyad-u
I read it, well, skimmed through it really. They can't do much to the 650 pokemons anymore as it's here to stay but they could at least make them more useful, if they were to completely reboot the series. right now it's almost like they draw a handful of pokemon which, to them, looks awesome and give it competitive stats because everyone will now use them and then go off to draw a bunch of trash that no one cares about. Even most of my freinds, when they were still playing, was using the same pokemons. The seasons are obviously a welcome but why did it take so long? I'm not sure on this, you might be able to fill me in but does the seasons/day and night have any affect on each pokemon? You know, such as Ice types being stronger during winter.About the game taking a step closer to being an MMO, you're saying it dosesn't work on DS paht and Lite? That would be most of the community wouldn't it?I can't comment on the story until I've played it, but if it ends being similar to "save poke corporation once you have 5-6 badges, then get the remaining badges and then run off to the pke league", then I'll be disappointed.

have you even seen the base stats of the new pokemon? Alot of them are gonna be big in the competitive scene.
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#105 kipohippo021
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I love the games up to ruby/saphire/emerald. I also like the remakes. The show, i could only stand the jhoto episodes.
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#106 King_Dodongo
Member since 2006 • 3759 Posts


Add me to the list of people wanting a full Pokemon RPG on the Wii. Even if it played like all the other portable games have in the main series, that I would buy.


They already did, it's called Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness.

What's the point of a console Pokemon game if the name is Pocket Monsters? You know, like how your DS fits in your pocket?

I would love another colosseum. Heck even port the first one to the 3ds and call it a day.
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#107 drspudz
Member since 2010 • 322 Posts
You ask for our thoughts yet you already know em.
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#108 EJ902
Member since 2005 • 14338 Posts
I'm fine with it. I don't understand why some people around me only care about the first generation and insist that all the games after it are bad, in my opinion all the games since the first gen have only been improvements. I understand why some people say it's the same game as 10 years ago, but they've added things each gen and sometimes totally overhauled the game mechanics. However they should be careful of releasing a new game if the changes aren't big enough to warrant it. I think that they could do with deviating from the usual pattern at some point, ie ditching the "choose a fire/water/grass starter, leave your tiny hometown that has five people in it, catch the first bird pokemon you find etc". Maybe start it in different places (and maybe give you options) and use other types for starter pokemon. There is some replay value, in that it is fun choosing a whole team from scratch, but the game makes it hard for you to build your own team by trading instead of just catching the first pokemon you see. Then there are new pokemon which they add that end up being useless and aren't used by anybody, though recently they've changed that by adding other pokemon competitions in other than battling. Basically I do enjoy pokemon games and would like to see more games be released, but there are some pitfalls they need to avoid, otherwise the statement "it's the same game as 10 years ago" becomes more accurate.
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#109 bobcheeseball
Member since 2007 • 9316 Posts
Don't like the new Pokemon (surprising I know) But chances are I'll end up playing Black/White anyways. I think the series could go for some dramatic changes though. Online play definitely needs matchmaking so you can play with randoms.
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#110 x-Rocco
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
i laugh when i see a grown guy walking around with a ds playing pokemon. i used to like those games when i was like 12 and i had pokemon red & silver, those games are pretty much the same thing over and over again,
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#111 blacktorn
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i played it and it's pretty much the same experiance as the first generation pokemon,u cattch pokemon,fight trainers,go to 8 gyms beat the leaders and get 8 badges to fight the elite four then catch more pokemon if u like. it's pretty boring if u ask me,although i was way into pokemon red/blue but that's when i was 10 years old,no that im 20 adding new pokemon doesnt make it more fun.
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#112 DivineSword
Member since 2007 • 15840 Posts

I really don't mind the direction the Pokemon series is heading since each installment is equally enjoyable for me.

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#113 Dragerdeifrit
Member since 2010 • 769 Posts
i been a pokemon fan since red, blue yellow. and loved every entry since then, yeah pokemon designs have become more and more... umm... "not that good" with each entry, but the games alwalys been awesome. But i honestly think Pokemon franchise deserves to evolve... pokemon was intended for handhelds, because at the time they were the only way ppl could trade their pokemon, fight each other etc..thx to link cable and stuff... but now we got online gaming, not saying they should stop making pokemon games for handhelds, but i think it would be nice to have an inmense full 3D explorable pokemon world in which you create ur own trainer form scratch, then just go out to explore and catch pokemon, imagine, being able to explore a big detailed forest with pokemon wandering in around in real time just waiting for you to capture them :) they could also include some MMO elements to it. btw if theres a pokemon game i dont know of already like this , sry didnt know, but it would be cool to have somthing like this on wii/next nintendo console. AND the traditional handheld pokemon games :)