WTF! Do people here actually cheer for the death of PC gaming?

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#151 markop2003
Member since 2005 • 29917 Posts
i always find it funny because the chancers are they're using a PC to bash the PC :lol:
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#152 anshul89
Member since 2006 • 5705 Posts

I am also satisfied with the fact that Nancy Drew took a massive dump on pc game sales in July.

Expect more squatting from Nancy in the future. Her and The Sims expansion packs will continue to rule the charts. The glory days of pc gaming are over, the casual era is here.


Yeah, the casual era for gaming is here, period.

The Wii dominates console sales, and the handhelds completely blow away even the Wii in that respect.

yeah and i wont be surprised if $ony and m$ went the way of the wii next gen.
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#153 markop2003
Member since 2005 • 29917 Posts

[QUOTE="fiercedeity901"]well TC...if PC gaming dies...then we'd have crysis on our 360's and PS3'sfiercedeity901

An inferior version, yes.

don't matter...if PC gaming dies, then PC games NEVER come we don't have nothing to compare it to if PC gaming were already dead and crysis were on 360 and PS3....we would never know that crysis would look better on the PC because it never was eliminating one gaming system is all for the best right's just one more step to my dream of having one console that can do it all and has every game ......hey, a guy can dream....lmao

that would mean it wiould be a monopoly and if it was a console then all the games would have to go through the console maker so you'ld proberbly find that game prices would skyrocket. It would be best if it was the pc though as no body really controls it, microsoft has a pretty good hold on it but if prices get too high for it i'm sure the linux comunity would make a free emulator so we could play our games.

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#154 skrat_01
Member since 2007 • 33767 Posts

I am also satisfied with the fact that Nancy Drew took a massive dump on pc game sales in July.

Expect more squatting from Nancy in the future. Her and The Sims expansion packs will continue to rule the charts. The glory days of pc gaming are over, the casual era is here.


Yeah, the casual era for gaming is here, period.

The Wii dominates console sales, and the handhelds completely blow away even the Wii in that respect.

Exactly, and if Microsoft's E3 presentation was any indication they badly want a piece of the casual pie.

Too bad Nintendo are destroying the competition.

Besides is Gears of war supposed to be a 'harcore shooter'? R6 Vegas a 'hardcore tactical shooter' Or Oblivion a 'hardcore rpg'.

Quite frankly those are casual *gamer* focused titles.

The majority of the people playing them simply just dont know it.

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#155 aliblabla2007
Member since 2007 • 16756 Posts

Besides is Gears of war supposed to be a 'harcore shooter'? R6 Vegas a 'hardcore tactical shooter' Or Oblivion a 'hardcore rpg'.

Quite frankly those are casual focused titles.

The majority of the people playing them simply just dont know it.



If having dumbed down, repetitive gameplay and lame dialouge constitutes as "hardcore" for a game, then I really don't know what to say.

Play Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis for a hardcore Tactical Shooter experience. Play any Total War for a hardcore RTT/TBS strategy experience. Play PlaneScape: Torment for a hardcore RPG experience. Play System Shock 2 for a hardcore FPS/RPG experience. Play Supreme Commander for a hardcore RTS experience. But for god's sakes, don't even think about categorizing Oblivion, Gears or Vegas into those genres as "hardcore" games.

Intelligent gameplay, high patience requirements, high difficulty are what define "hardcore" games, not unrealistic amounts of blood and gore or stupid swearing or borderline pornography.

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#156 AnnoyedDragon
Member since 2006 • 9948 Posts

You never asked me to estimate how much the pc has influenced consoles. You asked if anyone would actually kill off pc gaming.

Am I greedy and selfish? Perhaps, but you have still failed to show me as to how I would be an idiot to kill off pc gaming when I have shown you that it would be in my best interest.

I realize that killing the NVIDIA/ATI war would slow gpu progress, and I don't care. I am satisfied with the current level of graphics and would be content with marginal improvements from Microsoft and Sony.


I have already explained why killing off PC would be to the disadvantage of consoles, for reasons other than graphics. I could go over it again in more detail but I get the impression that it would be a waste of my time. You're a selfish and willfully ignorent console fanboy; whose interest is bashing PC to feel more secure about his own platform choice.

If you honestly think killing PC would be in your interest, despite my explanation of the consequences, then you have done the work is justifying what I have said about you.

I am also satisfied with the fact that Nancy Drew took a massive dump on pc game sales in July.

Expect more squatting from Nancy in the future. Her and The Sims expansion packs will continue to rule the charts. The glory days of pc gaming are over, the casual era is here.


There are more casual gamers than hardcore, this is a fact. If you think a casual game selling well on PC means "The glory days of pc gaming are over"; then yet again another consoler gamer that doesn't have a clue how PC gaming operates is passing judgement.

Stop judging PC by console standards, who knows how many times I have had to ask console gamers not to do that. PC is not a console and shouldn't be expected to behave like a console.

So when you laugh about casual games being big sellers on PC; what's is your point? PC is not a PS3, it is not a 360 and it is not a Wii. PC does not have a genre personality like consoles do, were people expect more 'hardcore' games from 360 and casual games from the Wii; PC contains all audiences.

Combine all consoles together and what do you get? Well the highest selling game on any console according to Wiki is Wii Sports at 21 million units shipped, therefore the most successful game of this theoretical system would be Wii Sports. How does that sound? To have Wii Sports as your platforms leading game?

Or it's just casual games sell more than hardcore, so on a system catering to all audiences the casual games will be the top sellers.

Of course; I'm sure you won't let a little reason get in the way of your fanboyism and ignorant PC hate.

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#157 PC360Wii
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Crysis, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., The Witcher, The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, Command and Conquer 3, Company of Heroes and such all being past the platinum mark on PC and all of which were released in the last two years say otherwise. :roll:


What exactly is your point? Those games still can't touch Nancy Drew and The Sims. Crysis will probably be outsold by The Sims IKEA pack. PC gaming is on the downslope, unless of course you like casual games that are mostly targeted at women.

I suppose that if I don't like the Wii, console gaming "might as well" be dead.


If the Wii was the only console available, then yes I would say that console gaming might as well be dead. I don't want a console whose targeted demographic is the average American family. Thank god for the ps3 and the 360.

Is that why we still get the most AA and AAAE's year in year out?

And well, nobody cares about your opinion on Nancy Drew, or Sims, I bought Sims and enjoyed them, so you can go stuff your steretype where the sun doesnt shine.

As for Nancy Drew? a Rare genred game that appeals to woman mostly? OH NOES, HOW CRIMINAL... :roll: , let just keep cheering on mindless man vs alien gears of war **** to dominate the industry forever :roll:

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#158 heretrix
Member since 2004 • 37881 Posts

I think it's mostly because some of the PC users that frequent system wars are elitist PC snobs and people will say anything to piss them off.

Anyway, I couldn't care less about this. PC gaming isn't going anywhere.

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#159 AnnoyedDragon
Member since 2006 • 9948 Posts
Well I'm going to go play something, just leaving a note in case someone responds to one of my comments.
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#160 killerfist
Member since 2005 • 20155 Posts

so....PC is dying?


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#161 Pinkyimp
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Intelligent gameplay, high patience requirements, high difficulty are what define "hardcore" games, not unrealistic amounts of blood and gore or stupid swearing or borderline pornography.


Hit it on the head there..this seems to be the problem with most Modern FPS games...even Quake3 had more intelligent gameplay/high difficulty than any modern FPS today....kinda sad

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#162 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts

The irony behind all of this is that if any of these nay sayers had a high end gaming PC (that supposedly cost $5000 according to the consolites...yet don't cost more than $1200 at the highest extreme if you build it yourself) they'd love it and play everything from Crysis to any game 2-3 years down the road on PC. But, since they don't, they hate PC gaming and do nothing but whine about the costs.

I have a E6750/8800 GT. I overwhelmingly prefer playing on my PS3 or 360 - it's probably around a 5:1 split. Now, what were you saying about consolites not having PCs again?
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#163 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts

ok i'll go with too casual for games like bf2 cohanshul89

Sure, I wouldn't argue with that statement - I have no interest in hardcore online competition, or its offline equivalent (LAN parties). I did enjoy those games back in college (well, BF anyway; CoH wasn't out then), but no longer play them. The same is true on consoles; I pop in for the occasional game of Halo 3 or R6:Vegas, but couldn't tell you what my rank or level is. The only competitive online game that I'm interested in is iRacing, and I know I simply don't have the free time to dedicate to it to be competitive.

Now here's the question: why is that a bad thing? Is gaming,in your opinion,only meant for the ultra-hardcore? I'm not a casual or a hardcore; I'm just an avid gamer. (We really need a third category in the middle there.) I simply don't have the time to put in to compete at the level of the average Battlefield or Team Fortress player, and so I don't play those games. What's wrong with that?

Edit: I hate to post one-after-another, but Gamespot's RTE control gives me a HTML not well-formed error if I try to append this to the previous post. Gamespot: fire your incompetent programmers and banish them to a career of developing Access applications.

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#164 raptorcountry
Member since 2007 • 482 Posts

Best thread in SW history, we have a winnar.SimpJee

I heard Jesus lost his will to live and shot himself after opening this thread.

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#165 naruto7777
Member since 2007 • 8059 Posts
pc gaming wiill never die
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#166 anshul89
Member since 2006 • 5705 Posts

[QUOTE="anshul89"]ok i'll go with too casual for games like bf2 cohlowe0

Sure, I wouldn't argue with that statement - I have no interest in hardcore online competition, or its offline equivalent (LAN parties). I did enjoy those games back in college (well, BF anyway; CoH wasn't out then), but no longer play them. The same is true on consoles; I pop in for the occasional game of Halo 3 or R6:Vegas, but couldn't tell you what my rank or level is. The only competitive online game that I'm interested in is iRacing, and I know I simply don't have the free time to dedicate to it to be competitive.

Now here's the question: why is that a bad thing? Is gaming,in your opinion,only meant for the ultra-hardcore? I'm not a casual or a hardcore; I'm just an avid gamer. (We really need a third category in the middle there.) I simply don't have the time to put in to compete at the level of the average Battlefield or Team Fortress player, and so I don't play those games. What's wrong with that?

Edit: I hate to post one-after-another, but Gamespot's RTE control gives me a HTML not well-formed error if I try to append this to the previous post. Gamespot: fire your incompetent programmers and banish them to a career of developing Access applications.

there's nothing wrong with not playing ultra hardcore games. but as an avid gamer you owe it to yourself to learn at least one hardcore pc game :). I recommend CoH.
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#167 Hellsing2o2
Member since 2004 • 3504 Posts

The irony behind all of this is that if any of these nay sayers had a high end gaming PC (that supposedly cost $5000 according to the consolites...yet don't cost more than $1200 at the highest extreme if you build it yourself) they'd love it and play everything from Crysis to any game 2-3 years down the road on PC. But, since they don't, they hate PC gaming and do nothing but whine about the costs.


I have a E6750/8800 GT. I overwhelmingly prefer playing on my PS3 or 360 - it's probably around a 5:1 split. Now, what were you saying about consolites not having PCs again?

What a hardcore casual gamer noob you are.

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#168 clone01
Member since 2003 • 29827 Posts

personally, i don't care. if PC gaming is your big thing, fine and dandy. however, as this is system wars, the majority of hate comes from the endless prattling of fanboy hermits and "teh PC is teh superior, consolite noob." and before you think i'm singling out anyone, the same goes for cows ("enjoy teh RROD, lems. MGS pwns!"), lemmings ("teh waitstation, you don't get halo 3") and sheep ("bu...bu teh Mario and Zelda. SSBB is the GREATEST fighting game in the universe!")

ugh, i think i just made me want to slap myself.

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#169 lowe0
Member since 2004 • 13692 Posts
[QUOTE="lowe0"]I have a E6750/8800 GT. I overwhelmingly prefer playing on my PS3 or 360 - it's probably around a 5:1 split. Now, what were you saying about consolites not having PCs again?Hellsing2o2

What a hardcore casual gamer noob you are.

Awww. What's the matter, run out of real arguments?

Oh, and I've been a gamer since 1988. Have you even been alive that long? Take that noob crap and cram it back where you pulled it out of.