Microsoft: Blu-ray costs holding PS3 back

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#51 linkin_guy109
Member since 2005 • 8864 Posts

i find this kind of ironic of them to be attacking the blu ray format when it seems like it should be the choice for the next generation of consoles to try and eliminate having to worry about multiple disks on some of the huge games (size whise).

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#52 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="Disturbed123"] and yet it failed for doing so little. It was clearly a shot at Blu Ray, and even as an optional it failed. Making it mandatory wouldve made things alot worse *looks at UMD* CaseyWegner
i don't understand why you keep saying it failed. what does that have to do with hypocrisy or actually the lack of it? the thing was competely optional.

Live is also optional. Yet, "Greenberg was also quick to point out that Microsoft offers HD movies and television shows through Xbox Live." I think it is more jealousy then hypocrisy. But it may be the same thing in this case. He doesn't really think Blu-ray is holding Sony back. 360 can't play HD movies, jealous. Blu-ray is holding Sony back, while having Live that you can watch HD movies, hypocrite.

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#54 oldskooler79
Member since 2004 • 1632 Posts

i find this kind of ironic of them to be attacking the blu ray format when it seems like it should be the choice for the next generation of consoles to try and eliminate having to worry about multiple disks on some of the huge games (size whise).


The choice for the next generation should be digital distribution. This cuts the costs of packaging and the middle man, and companies like Gamestop can finally go out of business. Every game will be played on at least a terabyte hd so it'll minimize loading times, no disc scratches, etc. The PC is always paving the way, and as always consoles will play catch up. If not next gen, then the one after that will be all DD.

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#55 88mphSlayer
Member since 2010 • 3201 Posts

blu-ray itself didn't hold the PS3 back, but the fact that it's in the PS3 standard is part of mentality that led to the downfall of the playstation brand

if you know your history, last gen everybody was talking about the impact of DVD in the PS2 and how the future of gaming was all about multi-media home entertainment centers

Nintendo didn't really care about that, you have to give them props for that

for Microsoft and Sony tho, multi-media = big bucks

the difference at the end of the day is that Microsoft had the better strategy with good launch pricing, great painless features that would define this gen of consoles (XBL, achievements, etc.), and great first year games

beyond that, they made everything else optional upgrades, so you could have HD-DVD if you wanted, but you didn't have to, and if HD-DVD ever failed it was a less risky investment for Microsoft than Blu-Ray was for Sony

for Sony, they played it dumb, using a strategy of cramming a console full of features then jacking up the price to meet the cost

inevitably, their investment plan failed to resonate with consumers, and so did their games, leading to the PS3's first year of sales mostly going to people buying it as the cheapest blu-ray player

inevitably it cost Sony their console marketshare, putting them in the uncomfortable position of justifying their existence to gamers for years

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#56 Javy03
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Microsoft is a software company who has 0 interest in the next format. They are whole heartily pushing digital distribution because that's where they can make their money and where they can brag about Xbox Live, Netflix and their HD on demand movies. They knock Blu ray because they have to, they don't have an HD player built in to their system. In the end, it's obvious that the Blu ray player held the PS3 back but that's not necessarily a con. They gave up pieces of the gaming pie industry for ALL of the format pie. Their sales for the PS3 are only getting better overtime and the tech in peoples living room is catching up to the PS3 making it useful as opposed to obsolete like some of the other consoles. Sony will be making plenty of profit off of the gaming industry AND the format industry which is a BIG win for Sony.
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#57 CaseyWegner
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and yet it failed for doing so little. It was clearly a shot at Blu Ray, and even as an optional it failed. Making it mandatory wouldve made things alot worse *looks at UMD*


i don't understand why you keep saying it failed. what does that have to do with hypocrisy or actually the lack of it?

Peter Moore - When he was working with MS said "HD media is not needed"

they then announce HD DVD for 360, a clear indication that MS wanted to compete with Blu Ray

Another MS employee - HDMI is not needed

They release an Xbox with HDMI

Hypocrisy Much?

Now, they are saying Ps3 is being held back with blu ray which is utter nonsense. That extra £40 for Ps3 accounts for Wifi, Free online gaming, a significantly better build console, and a blu ray player.

how many times do i have to say that hd dvd was only for movies and was completely optional? it's not the same.

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#58 67gt500
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It was always Sony's intention to market PS3 as the 'Cadillac' of consoles - they have no other option really, considering the costs of the system's components relative to it's competitor(s)...
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#59 iamdanthaman
Member since 2008 • 2498 Posts
The cost was initially an issue, but it really isn't anymore. The arcade is really competing with the Wii for the casual market, where the elite is in direct competition with the PS3. And while the cost may have led to slower sales for the PS3 in the beginning, the inclusion of BluRay helped Sony win the HD format War over HD-DVD.
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#60 Hexagon_777
Member since 2007 • 20348 Posts

[QUOTE="Miroku32"][QUOTE="Chutebox"]"Being $100 cheaper is part of the reason why we're nearly twice [Sony's] installed base."

I'm assuming he's talking NA only? I hope so at least...Zero5000X

Yeah, only in North America because in the rest of America in the HD war the ps3 is currently leading. I don't know why it is only in United States and Canada that the 360 is winning but in the other countries of America the ps3 is leading with a huge margin.

360 is leading PS3 in both NA and EU.

I thought the PS3 surpassed the 360 in the EU. :?

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#61 Hexagon_777
Member since 2007 • 20348 Posts

[QUOTE="Disturbed123"]£160 for elite

£200 for Ps3

that extra £40 covers internal Wifi, so Microsoft = Fail!

And lets not forget the hypocrisy. MS HD DVD Anyone?CannedWorms

:lol: PS3 for £200? Tell me where and I'll go and buy 3.

I was wondering that myself. Cheapest I can find is £229.99.

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#62 Hexagon_777
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£160 for elite

£200 for Ps3

that extra £40 covers internal Wifi, so Microsoft = Fail!

And lets not forget the hypocrisy. MS HD DVD Anyone?Disturbed123

:lol: PS3 for £200? Tell me where and I'll go and buy 3.

Sainsbury and Asda during the launch of COD MW2

but you can find it for £210

£210! :o Is that website reliable, though?

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At the beginning perhaps it was one of the main reasons of the so generous cost of the ps3 so it could be a problem at that time but I think now it isn't, in fact, I think it is better for developers now because they can add more content into their games without the problem of using multiple disks. See for example Star Ocean The Last Hope, in the ps3 it only takes one disc and on the 360 it takes like 2 or 3 discs, I don't know. Miroku32
What a huge inconvenience! having to switch discs! LOL. Give me a break, no one cares about disc space for game development, installed base matters most.
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#64 Jrfanfreak88
Member since 2008 • 1792 Posts
Microsoft is right, most people are too stupid to realize that for $100 more dollars you get a console that is miles ahead of the 360.
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#65 ShadowriverUB
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"Being $100 cheaper is part of the reason why we're nearly twice [Sony's] installed base."

I'm assuming he's talking NA only? I hope so at least...


Yeah, only in North America because in the rest of America in the HD war the ps3 is currently leading. I don't know why it is only in United States and Canada that the 360 is winning but in the other countries of America the ps3 is leading with a huge margin.

360 is leading PS3 in both NA and EU.

Gap is so low in EU that they practicly on error renges, EU is prutty much equal

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#66 XboximusPrime
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Yeah, because I would rather have 6.8 gbs of space and Multidisc games.

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#67 Hahadouken
Member since 2009 • 5546 Posts
LOL how ironic that the feature that's been causing the most headaches for MS PR lately because of Dragon Age and Final Fantasy XIII, is suddenly a bad thing for Sony. They are still bitter about HD-DVD, but this seems a bit much. Do they really think the answer is to continue using DVD forever? They love defending their price point. I would love to see them publicly defend their peripheral costs. Please Aaron, explain why the Wifi adapter costs $100. Please tell me why it's taken 3 years to include thumb drive support. You guys are all about the poor disenfranchised gamer with your $100 price point, but your Wifi adapter costs $100 as well? :lol: Yeah, real champions of the people. I paid for my 360 and don't regret it one bit, but I would never try and defend it as a cheap console, since it isn't. Next gen MS will be using Bluray, and it will be hysterical.
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#68 slvrraven9
Member since 2004 • 9278 Posts
twice the install base? i think sony is doing a fine job at what theyre doing even though sometimes they can come off as jerks and such. Blu Ray was a great idea to put into their system regardless of the initial impact. its clear they were thinking long term and with everyone going hd now because lets face it now, unless you go to some second hand store youre not going to find an sdtv anymore, it was just a great idea. obviously sony made a great move in what they were doing....
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#69 gamer620
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[QUOTE="Miroku32"] Why do you keep saying "only canada and united states" as if it is some small insignificant number?

[QUOTE="EmperorSupreme"]I don't like this Greenberg guy. If the Elite was $199 he might have a point, but comparing apples to apples the PS3 is a pretty good value.GreyFoXX4

Sure, but when you are on a budget that you can't spare an extra 100 dollars, the cheaper alternative wins out. If the average gamer has the choice between a 360 and PS3 and they only have 200 dollars to spend... which one are they buying? There is only one correct answer to this question.

You don't buy nothing, and save up another $100 so when you get the item home you have a complete game system and not one that you will have to go out and buy something else. Heck, $200 360 doesn't get you online, you have to fork out another $50 for online play, so why not save up another $50 and get the ps3, geez.

Heres a hypothetical... Bob makes 350 dollars a week after taxes. Has 1200 dollars in monthly bills (student loans, car payment, cable/broadband/phone, utilities, insurance, ect) this doesn't include the money he spends on gas, food, ect. How easy do you think it is for Bob to save up 300 dollars? I guess maybe if he stops driving 20+ miles for work a day and starves himself, hed be able to save an addition 100 dollars after a month... Judging from your comment, I would assume you aren't independent... You likely still live with your parents, or you have roommates or a significant other who is sharing the cost of living with you and you likely would never understand what its like.

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#70 deactivated-5dd711115e664
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I agree with MS's overall point, but MS are still essentially spreading misinformation when they say the 360 is $199 because of no BR. Uhmm, no. The ARCADE model of the $360 is $100 cheaper because it has no HDD and lacks some of the other features that the premium 360 model comes packed with. SO what does MS say about BR when the fact is their MAIN 360 SKU is the eaxct same price as the BR packed PS3?

Having said that, BR is what caused the PS3 to be delayed. It is what caused the console to launch at a wallet breaking price and the reason the PS3 continues losing money to this day. Without BR, the PS3 would have been cost competitive and most likely profitting practically immediately. They also would have most likely beaten the 360 in sales.

So I agree that Sony's problems this gen all stem back to their decision to include BR with every PS3. But MS is once again being manipulative and spreading misinformation when, to make their point, they use the stripped down ARCADE model of the 360.

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#71 CubanBlunt
Member since 2005 • 2025 Posts

Now we know why lemmings only go by npd sales, cause the memo was sent out by MS themselves. Unless they truly beleive that they ahave double the install base in wolrd wide sales. If not they only want to talk about npd because thats the only place they are winning in at the moment lol. Lemmings we fully understand now.


I've notice that a while ago, but when you bring it up, people always say "Logic dont apply to system wars".:roll:

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#72 Wasdie  Moderator
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Perhaps, but now Sony has 25+ million blu-ray players on the market...

Is that a loss? You decide.

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#73 Mestitia
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As a gamer, I don't care about business talk, it's all about quality games and quality features.

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#74 Mckenna1845
Member since 2005 • 4410 Posts
i think the ps3 is priced pretty well now, and we can see that it is now selling fairly well. i think the ps3's downfall was high launch tag and lacking in must have games at launch. i bought mine at the end of 2008 thats the first time ever i've waited so long to buy a console. it's done a huge u-turn since about mid 2008 and is delivering plenty.
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#75 CubanBlunt
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Sure, but when you are on a budget that you can't spare an extra 100 dollars, the cheaper alternative wins out. If the average gamer has the choice between a 360 and PS3 and they only have 200 dollars to spend... which one are they buying? There is only one correct answer to this question.


You don't buy nothing, and save up another $100 so when you get the item home you have a complete game system and not one that you will have to go out and buy something else. Heck, $200 360 doesn't get you online, you have to fork out another $50 for online play, so why not save up another $50 and get the ps3, geez.

Heres a hypothetical... Bob makes 350 dollars a week after taxes. Has 1200 dollars in monthly bills (student loans, car payment, cable/broadband/phone, utilities, insurance, ect) this doesn't include the money he spends on gas, food, ect. How easy do you think it is for Bob to save up 300 dollars? I guess maybe if he stops driving 20+ miles for work a day and starves himself, hed be able to save an addition 100 dollars after a month... Judging from your comment, I would assume you aren't independent... You likely still live with your parents, or you have roommates or a significant other who is sharing the cost of living with you and you likely would never understand what its like.

If Bob is broke, then a game system should be the last thing on his list. If Bob is broke, then how is Bob buying games and playing online with a 360. If Bob is broke, go buy a PSP, or a DS.....cheaper all around the board.

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#76 CubanBlunt
Member since 2005 • 2025 Posts

Yeah, because I would rather have 6.8 gbs of space and Multidisc games.


Actually its 8.4 gb, but your right about the 2-3 disk LOL

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#77 Martin_G_N
Member since 2006 • 2124 Posts


Yeah, because I would rather have 6.8 gbs of space and Multidisc games.


Actually its 8.4 gb, but your right about the 2-3 disk LOL

Yeah, the discs are the standard 8.5GB. But the X360 uses some space for copy protection software or something, so there is only 6.8GB available for game content on each disc:P.

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#78 kuu2
Member since 2005 • 12073 Posts

I think its funny Microsoft talks about how they can sell the 360 for $199 and then totally forget to mention you need to spend another $100 to buy a harddrive that can download all those HD Movies.


They don't mention it because that would be false with the upcoming use of USB keys.

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#79 Supabul
Member since 2004 • 4266 Posts

All the consoles are dirt cheap, why do people complain.

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#80 Jrfanfreak88
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I think its funny Microsoft talks about how they can sell the 360 for $199 and then totally forget to mention you need to spend another $100 to buy a harddrive that can download all those HD Movies.


They don't mention it because that would be false with the upcoming use of USB keys.

Well if you buy the official USB flash drive, 16gb, from microsoft it's $80. Regardless, the 360 is still a rip-off when compared to a PS3.
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#81 djsifer01
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Yah, Blu-Ray has nothing to do with it. The Cell being so expensive to manufacture was the biggest problem. Its like 32 dollars for each Blu-ray drive for the PS3 which isnt much. There still losing 32 dollars on each console but it wont be long before Cell manufacturing cost's drop again to a profitable margin.
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#82 gamer620
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[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"] You don't buy nothing, and save up another $100 so when you get the item home you have a complete game system and not one that you will have to go out and buy something else. Heck, $200 360 doesn't get you online, you have to fork out another $50 for online play, so why not save up another $50 and get the ps3, geez.


Heres a hypothetical... Bob makes 350 dollars a week after taxes. Has 1200 dollars in monthly bills (student loans, car payment, cable/broadband/phone, utilities, insurance, ect) this doesn't include the money he spends on gas, food, ect. How easy do you think it is for Bob to save up 300 dollars? I guess maybe if he stops driving 20+ miles for work a day and starves himself, hed be able to save an addition 100 dollars after a month... Judging from your comment, I would assume you aren't independent... You likely still live with your parents, or you have roommates or a significant other who is sharing the cost of living with you and you likely would never understand what its like.

If Bob is broke, then a game system should be the last thing on his list. If Bob is broke, then how is Bob buying games and playing online with a 360. If Bob is broke, go buy a PSP, or a DS.....cheaper all around the board.

Bob isn't broke. He has SOME left over cash to use for himself, hense where his 200 dollar budget for video games comes in. this isn't rocket science and the options are a 360 and PS3, Wii and portables and last gen isn't even a factor in this.

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#83 Jrfanfreak88
Member since 2008 • 1792 Posts

Bob isn't broke. He has SOME left over cash to use for himself, hense where his 200 dollar budget for video games comes in. this isn't rocket science and the options are a 360 and PS3, Wii and portables and last gen isn't even a factor in this.


I'm independent, struggling for money, and yeah Bob shouldn't be wasting his $200 on games. If he wanted a gaming system, and had to choose between the PS3 or 360 he'd probably spend the extra $100 for a console that gives him far more for his money. Why buy a console missing a hard drive, rechargeable batteries in the controllers, no built in wi-fi, no blu ray capability, and no free online play? If Bob buys the 360 there's no wonder why he has zero money because he's going to have to continuously buy things to upgrade it!

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#84 RadecSupreme
Member since 2009 • 4824 Posts

Hey look , its Greenburg running off this mouth, oh wait....

A 200 USD xbox 360 is pretty much a piece of crap. When you have to pay 100 for the harddrive and 20 for the controller charging kit, also pay extra for the wireless, and 50 a year for the online. Do not want.

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#85 deactivated-5e7be39d87e0b
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I think Greenberg was tired of all the "DVD storage holding 360 back" talk, so he decided to flip the arguement.

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#86 kuu2
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I think its funny Microsoft talks about how they can sell the 360 for $199 and then totally forget to mention you need to spend another $100 to buy a harddrive that can download all those HD Movies.


They don't mention it because that would be false with the upcoming use of USB keys.

Well if you buy the official USB flash drive, 16gb, from microsoft it's $80. Regardless, the 360 is still a rip-off when compared to a PS3.

If someone decides to spend extra money on something that is their right, but I can buy 16gig USB flash drives all day for under $20. The same can be said for Sony Memory sticks as opposed to ones that don't have Sony labeling for the PSP.

Yeah the 360 is such a rip off that 40+ million people have purchased one, including yourself it seems at one time or another :roll:

Oh, and my false statement still stands regardless of your red herring attempt.

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#87 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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"Going forward, some analysts believe Sony, not Microsoft or Nintendo, will lead this console generation." Are those analysts on drugs?
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#88 Jrfanfreak88
Member since 2008 • 1792 Posts

If someone decides to spend extra money on something that is their right, but I can buy 16gig USB flash drives all day for under $20. The same can be said for Sony Memory sticks as opposed to ones that don't have Sony labeling for the PSP.

Yeah the 360 is such a rip off that 40+ million people have purchased one, including yourself it seems at one time or another :roll:

Oh, and my false statement still stands regardless of your red herring attempt.

Yeah it is their right, but what are you really going to do with just 16gb? Either way, I think the 360 is a rip off. If you compare the 199 xbox with the 299 PS3 the differences are amazing. The PS3 has a rechargeable motion sensitive controller, a blu ray disc drive that lets you watch the highest quality movies, a built in wireless internet adapter, a 120 gigabyte hard drive (with the very cheap option of upgrading it with any 2.5 SATA drive), free online play, free Netflix access as long as you have a Netflix account, a built in web browser that lets you access websites like these, and most importantly the best gaming library according to famitsu. There's no reason to purchase a 360 unless you really want to play a few games like Halo or Forza, other than that it's not worth a purchase. Lastly, I don't own a 360. I play on my friend's 360 but since nobody on here believes that I made my own silver account so whenever I play on his console I log onto my account. The 360 definitely has some fun games, but once Steam is available for Mac I'll finally be able to use my macbook pro as a gaming device, so I'll have even fewer reasons to need a 360 (Portal 2, L4D, and anything else Valve I'll be able to play soon). Honestly the 360 has only 3 games I want to play, Forza 3, Gears of War 2, and anything Halo. Since I've played Halo and Gears on my buddy's 360 that only leaves Forza, and once GT5 is out I won't need to play Forza anymore.
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#89 Hahadouken
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[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]"Going forward, some analysts believe Sony, not Microsoft or Nintendo, will lead this console generation." Are those analysts on drugs?

Are you in a better position to speculate than them? Would you have predicted PS3 would be in as good shape as it is right now, a couple of years ago?
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#90 XboximusPrime
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Yeah, because I would rather have 6.8 gbs of space and Multidisc games.


Actually its 8.4 gb, but your right about the 2-3 disk LOL

They only get to use 6.8 gbs of Space, the rest of the 8 or so gbs is used for there DRM which dosent seem to do Jack ****

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#91 karsa-orlong
Member since 2009 • 536 Posts

Hey look , its Greenburg running off this mouth, oh wait....

A 200 USD xbox 360 is pretty much a piece of crap. When you have to pay 100 for the harddrive and 20 for the controller charging kit, also pay extra for the wireless, and 50 a year for the online. Do not want.


sony should say something like that. greenburgs always running his mouth...someone should sony should educate the public about the real costs of the 360...especially if you have online for 3+yrs