Feel free to disagree but imo if there was a god...

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#251 NEStorianPriest
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Whether or not we have evidence that God exists, we are still making a conclusion based on the evidence available. How does presenting evidence in favor of something constitute a deprivation of free will for those who see it?


I think he's saying that once you provide proof that God exists, and he exists in the way your particular religion declares, you remove the possibility of his being nonexistent and ineffectual, therefore no faith is required. God becomes as electricity, or magnetism. Do you choose to believe in the power of electricity? No, you just accept that it exists because it is a proven natural force. No effort is required on your part to do so.

Human history stretches back 35,000 years. We started looking into the nature of things close to 4,000 years ago (Xia dynasty, I Ching, etc.) The modern scientific age didn't begin until about 300 years ago, and all that time your ordinary citizen couldn't explain most of what made the world tick. No all of a sudden we shouldn't do anything unless it has the seal of approval by modern scientific scrutiny?

Science hasn't always been dead on, or without its flights of fancy. Don't forget that we wouldn't have modern chemistry if it weren't for hundreds and hundreds of years of alchemical experimentation. Heck, Newton was an alchemist. Even Darwin couldn't figure out how heredity worked and made up a reason, then published Origins. Wasn't until Mendel ( a monk, ironically) came along and figured it out that it could really be given any sort of scientific credibility. Then there is Schrodinger's Cat. This was the best mind puzzle they could come up to represent the multiverse theory and it was FLAWED from the get go. Even a community college student like myself reading about it 15 years ago realized that.

To the point, science is not infallible. Scientists are human, and their methodology, their intelligence, imagination, where they get their funding from, the level of technology at their disposal all play a part in the end result. Even the current political and social climate has an effect on the direction of scientific thinking. Often times it has been the person who has gone against the grain that started a the next trend in scientific thinking. Take F. Buckminster Fuller. He didn't even finish college, he was considered an outside thinker and not taken seriously, now his ideas are being used to develop carbon nano-structures and space stations. His work Synergetics, and many other of his works were based on intelligent speculation and and creative thinking, not hard scientific research.

As I said before, most of the human experience is governed by perception and personal bias. What you haven't experienced in the universe far exceeds what you have. No one here has been inside a black hole to see how it works, yet you accept it as fact when you read about it in a book. When you accept something without experiencing it, you are believing in it, and that is the same thing Christian's and others choose to do.

You forgot about the part where non-religious people base their knowledge on tangible things...unlike religious people. It's the fundamental difference after all. Tangiblity vs Faith

The point is that science gets things wrongs a lot, even though they are working from evidence. The process of understanding takes place in the human mind. Humans make the connections. Humans are fallible, therefore science is fallible. It's not like I;m arguing the existence of the atom or anything, I'm just saying that if you;re going to apply a a criticism to religious believers, you should also look more closely at how easily you accept "evidence" from others. You've never seen a quantum tunnel, yet you believe it exists because you read about it in a book. How do you know, and I mean absolutely know a quantum tunnel is tangible? You don't.

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#252 NEStorianPriest
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[QUOTE="ShadowNinja606"]1. It is the only way to God. The Bible is accurate historically and scientifically, while other 'religions' can't claim anything close.

2. What a bunch of crap. God is not just a concept, or something created inside your own mind, but something of mind. Simply because something is 'of mind' doesn't mean that it is only of mind.

Humans are of mind and matter, so why can't God be as well? Because you can't see Him? Can you see electrons? Can you see the effects of elctrons? Quite obviously, you know that they are there by their effect, not by sight.

And getting into multiverses gets highly involved, but God can exist on several plains of existence; both physical and non physical.

The laws of science are the Will of God; He put them in place to make the Universe function.


1. Muslims tell me that worshipping Allah and understanding the Qur'an is the only way to God and the Quran is accurate historically and scientifically as well. So I can't believe either them or you until you prove what you say is actually true, and not just some vacuous claim for the sake of faith (that, and the more I read the Qur'an, the far more convincing I am finding it compared to the Bible; especially when I conceptualize about "God" in my own way, and not how traditional Muslims tell me I should; it reminds me very much of the "God" of Hinduism, "Emptiness" of Buddhism and the "Dao" of Daoism; all concepts I've had affinity with in the past and/or currently... which also makes me think "God" is not exclusive to any one religion or even religion at all, but is centered in mystical and non-rational contemplation about the universe).

2. I think you need to spend some more time contemplating your position, because you seem to me to be just spouting a bunch of philosophical nonsense with no real reasonable argument.

God is defined by Christianity as "Absolute Other" or something that exists outside of the physical and mental universe (what we can sense, and what we can "know"). What mathematics do you have that can prove that God exists and has a conscious effect on the universe? We have math that shows predictably that electrons exist. The Bible saying "God exists" isn't substantial evidence, especially for a scientist. And your analogy to electrons is flawed.

Assuming of course "God" even exists. I'm tired of conceptual and hypothetical discussions about God... if you have "evidence" that can prove to me God exists in a way that is different to how I understand the vast majority of world religion's way of conceptualizing a unified subconscious lacking duality-concepts, then please, show me. Don't tell me "have faith" or "read the Bible". SHOW me this evidence, give me a reason to think that a conscious being exists and WILL punish me if I don't worship him. Because I haven't seen any yet. The more I study religion, the more I find that it is merely a way of answering "why are we here?" without resorting to more complex philosophical notions.

Then what is the point of God existing if science can explain how the universe functions?

You do realize that the Christian faith says that those who have not heard the word of God will be judged by their hearts? That is to say, those following their own beliefs who have not heard the Gospel will not be condemned.

BTW I wouldn't try to imply that one faith is any more open minded or moral than the other when it comes to spreading or enforcing their beliefs. Christians, Muslims, Jews, even Buddhists (Yellow Hats vs the Red Hats) and even Taoists (one emperor kidnapped over 800 children a year to perform Taoists rituals with them((not happy ones)), have done some pretty horrible things to this end.

By contrast, the Assyrian Holy Apostolic Church sent Christian missionaries as far as India, China, Mongolia and Japan without spilling one drop of blood. Check it out. Everyone conveniently forgets this period of Christian history, or are simply ignorant of it, when talking about converting others to the faith.

Again to contrast, Muslims enslaved east africans for hundreds of years before slaves were brought by Europeans to the New World. They conquered North Africa by violence and war, just like the Christians did during the crusades. No organized religion is without it's intolerance and prejudices- their run by fallible men and women, after all. If your going to try and make a judgement about the religion someone chooses, please know what you're talking about first.


That post had absolutely nothing to do with the concept in Islam I was talking about. :|

"Messengers" in Islam refers to prohets like Abraham, Ishmael and Jesus... which I conflate to mean also people like the Buddha, Guru Nanak and any other religious teacher who proposes similar ideas about the ultimate reality. Not missionaries and proselytizing.

I know what I'm talking about... but you seem to have no idea what I'm talking about.

The first paragraph is in response to your claim that Christianity does not allow for the existence of other beliefs. It's from Romans, when Paul talks about those who haven't heard the Gospel. Are people hearing the Gospel when they hear it from violent Crusaders bent on political gain? No.

The rest is about how narrow-mindedness and corruption exists among all faiths. Also it is possible to spread the word of your faith without killing or the use of coercion, and letting those that don't convert go on with their lives. In addition, sust because a religion (your comment about Islam) says to be tolerant of others doesn't mean everyone who is Muslim is going to follow it. Same with other religions.

The point of the post was to argue that your logic regarding that the Christian faith is uniquely intolerant is false.

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#254 ShadowNinja606
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"Creation is a "theory" in the colloquial sense, which means that it is an idea put forward without any proof, without any testable predictions of any kind, and without any form of potential falsification."

lolz were had.


I've noticed that you seem to have a tendency to give rather short answers at odd times, and I'm not quite sure I understand the rhyme or reason behind them.

Keep trying.

Anyway, someone bring up some evidence of evolution for me to disprove.

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#255 foxhound_fox
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Anyway, someone bring up some evidence of evolution for me to disprove.


Bacteria that has evolved the ability to consume human-made fibres.


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#256 GabuEx
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"Creation is a "theory" in the colloquial sense, which means that it is an idea put forward without any proof, without any testable predictions of any kind, and without any form of potential falsification."

lolz were had.


I've noticed that you seem to have a tendency to give rather short answers at odd times, and I'm not quite sure I understand the rhyme or reason behind them.

Keep trying.

Anyway, someone bring up some evidence of evolution for me to disprove.

I see little practical benefit in participating in an exercise in futility in the form of providing evidence of something to one whose only interest is in confrontation, not understanding.

Let me know if you ever want to have an actual conversation.

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#257 xsynth
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Anyway, someone bring up some evidence of evolution for me to disprove.


Bacteria that has evolved the ability to consume human-made fibres.


There's also the jellyfish in an island in the pacific that got stuck in the lagoon caused by the volcano making the land surface go above water level. These jellyfish now live via photosynthesis instead of eating food. How bout some proof that we just magically popped into existence from a garden.

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#258 foxhound_fox
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How bout some proof that we just magically popped into existence from a garden.xsynth

A 3000 year-old book said its true... so its true.

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#259 NEStorianPriest
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Anyway, someone bring up some evidence of evolution for me to disprove.


Bacteria that has evolved the ability to consume human-made fibres.


There's also the jellyfish in an island in the pacific that got stuck in the lagoon caused by the volcano making the land surface go above water level. These jellyfish now live via photosynthesis instead of eating food. How bout some proof that we just magically popped into existence from a garden.

Again, scince hasn't proved the theory of evolution. They have only shown that is is highly testable, and the margin of for error is becoming increasingly slim. Scientists do this all the time. They base a whole school of thought on a highly testable yet unproven theory (multi-verse theory based on the two-slit experiment, string theory in attempt to cohere mico- and macrocosmic forces). Unitl there is undesputable PROOF, you are just choosing to accept a theory because men educated by other men say it is truth.

The point of this thread is the question the plausibility of God or the foundation of reasoning in believing in God. If anything I think it has shown that most athiests are as unaware of just how shaky their foothold on "reality" is as they claim believers are.

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#260 foxhound_fox
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Again, scince hasn't proved the theory of evolution. NEStorianPriest

I assume you are saying "hasn't proved evolution 100%"... because if you aren't, then what you said is entirely false. Science has proven evolution beyond any shadow of doubt... there is more evidence for the existence and effects of evolution than that of gravity (especially in terms of explaining how it works).

I find it odd how evolution is incompatible with fundamentalist religion... especially considering that if anything, "natural selection" would imply a "conscious designer" the most. But then again, since the Bible doesn't mention it, I guess that makes it untrue.

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#261 NEStorianPriest
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[QUOTE="NEStorianPriest"]Again, scince hasn't proved the theory of evolution. foxhound_fox

I assume you are saying "hasn't proved evolution 100%"... because if you aren't, then what you said is entirely false. Science has proven evolution beyond any shadow of doubt... there is more evidence for the existence and effects of evolution than that of gravity (especially in terms of explaining how it works).

I find it odd how evolution is incompatible with fundamentalist religion... especially considering that if anything, "natural selection" would imply a "conscious designer" the most. But then again, since the Bible doesn't mention it, I guess that makes it untrue.

If you kindly take the time to read my previous posts, including my first post, you'll see that I do not believe that evolution and belief in a creative diety are incompatible, I'm not arguing either, I'm just proposing possible soultions to the problem, while trying to make clear that the brain of an athiest does the same thing the brain of a believer deos when it chooses to accept something they have not personally experienced. Assuming a choice is being made at all and the process isn't determined by their envirnment.

If you are truly a skeptic,then your brain chemistry is different as you have less dopamine than the majority of the population. Interesting to note that dopamine helps people cope with external stress.Skeptical athieststend to be individuals that are educated, live in safe environments and are financially stable. There is less of a need for the brain to produce dopamine on a regular basis, which Iassume would contribute to overall levels of dopamine over a given amount of time, or over successive generations of induviduals that kept this environment. So it would follow that being an athiest is less a choice than it is an environmental factor, just as science claims that believers in the paranormal do so because they have high dopamine levels.

So scientific thinking would lead us to believe that athiesm, unless it is the product of negative reaction to experiences founded in religious or paranormal thinking or practices in people with normal dopamine levels, is an involuntary product of your brain's chemistry.

And no evolution has not been proved 100%. Neither has the existence of a creative diety. So what matters more, the percentage of validity of a given thing, the personal reason for believing in a given thing, or the fact that you are most likely hard wired to think a certain way and therefore are given to accepting a certain thing?

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#262 Kervik
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How could something as big and powerful as a creator go unnoticed?


Because he doesn't want to be found?

Still if the world was created I would think something in the laws of nature would allow for it. And if he's actually watching and guiding us as many religions say I think there should be evidence of this within, say, our brain chemistry or, again, the laws of nature.

Provided He is omnipotent there is no reason for there to be any evidence. If He doesn't want there to be evidence, there will not be any evidence. Of course, that's subject to the existence of a Creator. If a Creator, like God's, existence went unproved we would hardly know what we were looking for or that we were pursuing anything real at all.

He is also apparently a spiritual entity, which by my understanding is in the same vein as ghosts. As long as we don't have any reliable method for finding ghosts (because once again, we don't know if they do actually exist) I doubt there will be any way to seek out and find any other type of spiritual essence.

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#263 NEStorianPriest
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I assume you are saying "hasn't proved evolution 100%"... because if you aren't, then what you said is entirely false. Science has proven evolution beyond any shadow of doubt... there is more evidence for the existence and effects of evolution than that of gravity (especially in terms of explaining how it works).

I find it odd how evolution is incompatible with fundamentalist religion... especially considering that if anything, "natural selection" would imply a "conscious designer" the most. But then again, since the Bible doesn't mention it, I guess that makes it untrue.


It should also be noted how quickly you came to the assumption that, because I know the Bible and I am questioning your acceptance in the theory of evoluiton, I must think the two can't be compatible, depsite the fact that I have given evidence that this is not the case.

So, despite evidence, you came to a false conclusion. I wonder if this was motivated more by the fact that you think I disagree with you, and you immediately tried tried to invalidate my assertion by lumping me together with fundamentalists. If that's the case, then it gives credence to my assertion that belief and skepticism have more to do with personal opinion and brain chemistry than the voracity of evidence available on a given thing.

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#264 deactivated-58188738395f3
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God is just a word of the english language. No one knows what the word "God" really means semantically speaking. God is too great for usto comprehend by using words alone. You also need to use pictures and images in order to understand what God is.