Next Pokemon game needs to break out of some bad habits....

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#1 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

Pokemon one of the most successful series of all time still awsome to this day but there seriously needs some changes.

1. more than little sprites of pokemon on the screen when you battle please give us some 3d models where the pokemon actually hit eachother. Obviously it would be toned down but anything more than a paper cut out would be nice.

2. For the love of god, please give them better sound effects than the generic chirp or cheep. Some fo those sounds are from like the first pokemon game. Give them all their patented sounds. Dont tell me there is not enough room because EA is already doing amazing work with sound in their DS games.

3. Full online where you play random and friends and keep up the ebay style of trading pokemon. Have monthly pokemon tournaments and keep up voice chat. Let random people voice chat with you and text chat. Its already been done the door is open tony Hawk lets you chat with random people. If you really liked the other person let them exchange FCs.

4. I know there is a crapload of awsome RPG action but there needs to be a monkey wrench in the gears. they need to add depth the to the RPG. meaning possibly catgorizing the pokemon's moves so they can have more than 4. Its always been a complaint that people have to sacrifice moves and alot of time they just go for the huge flamethrower, Fly, Fire Blast, and Slash. Why not allow more moves so there can be strategy. it would certainly give more balance with bug pokemon.

5. Improve the graphics. Pearl/Diamond were nice but they definitely could have gone farther. it looks like they purposefully went for the nostalgia.

6. Give the touch screen some cool little additions like throwing pokeballs and double tapping doors and switches and such.

Heres my ideas explain what you dont like and if I cant defend it i am wrong and ill take it put. GO.

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#2 edd678
Member since 2006 • 3660 Posts
I like the idea about using touchscreen snd stylus to throw poke balls and open doors etc :)
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#3 Ultima_5
Member since 2008 • 1614 Posts

I agree with the fact that the sprites/graphics/sounds effects need to be improved. But nintendo will never allow you to chat with random people online. The touch screen thing for throwing pokeballs and opening doors would nice but it would get really annoying because you would have to grab the stylus every few second and then go back to the buttons/d-pad. Optional stylus control would be nice though, where you use the stylus to move/interact w/ the environment. The main problem i have is that you want there to be more than 4 moves for each poke. that would break the game. most of thestrategycomes from picking the 4 best moves that work together and being able to predict what moveset youropponentwill use.

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#4 jjr10
Member since 2005 • 5880 Posts

I agree fully with you, but i think they need to do something else as well:

A different story.

I would like to not verse 8 gyms, then defeat the elite 4 again.

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#5 WSGRandomPerson
Member since 2007 • 13697 Posts
It needs to be all touch screen controlled, or atleast an option to do so.
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#6 Arcanine_88
Member since 2005 • 2219 Posts
1: It's a DS game. If you want full 3D go buy Pokemon Battle Revolution.

2: I do agree with this one. Not so much as "OMG great sound effects" but more along the lines of "Stop using old effects!".

3: I agree with full online play with random people. But keep dreaming when it comes to talking to random people online, and adding them to your friends list. Not something Nintendo is going to do (more so with their largest handheld franchise).

4: Nope... no, not going to happen. Change the 4 move system they got? I've been playing Pokemon games since Red/Blue/Yellow and I've never had a prob with 4 moves. In fact it has more strategy then say a Pokemon with 6 moves, or 10 moves (If you think you can't have strategy with 4 moves then you won't understand this). Why have a Pokemon with 10 moves (you're just spamming the best moves and saying "Well, I got all my bases covered with this Pokemon) when you can have far far more strategy and have far more well rounded team with 4 moves for every Pokemon.
4 is good enough, no need to change it since it's worked great all of these years and has no probs (most likely most of the people complaining about the 4 moves is ones that aren't hardcore Pokemon fans).

5: I didn't have a prob with the graphics. Pokemon games aren't known for fancy flashy graphics so why make them the best looking thing on the DS when they can just have it good enough? And like you said, they did go for the whole nostalgia feel.

6: Nice, but no. It'd get annoying and repetitive soon enough.

The way I look at it, why start picking apart a great series when it's not broken? I don't have a prob with spicing things up a little, and adding new things. But having more than 4 moves? 3D sprites? The series hasn't sold 164 million copies because they changed something big every new game that came out (just to show you how big Pokemon is, the Tony Hawk series has sold 10 million games, the Pokemon series is the second largest gaming franchise and has sold over 164 million games). People like the way the Pokemon system is, the way it's been set up and so on. Change a game too much from it's base and no one will like it.
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#7 guidedtruth
Member since 2007 • 587 Posts
i would love the 3d pokemon where you actually have to call out the move for the pokemon to do something would be awesome. i don't think they will make voice chat to random people. but i don't think they need o change much pokemon's allways been a good game and it will allways be.
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#8 hiphops_savior
Member since 2007 • 8535 Posts

1: It's a DS game. If you want full 3D go buy Pokemon Battle Revolution.

2: I do agree with this one. Not so much as "OMG great sound effects" but more along the lines of "Stop using old effects!".

3: I agree with full online play with random people. But keep dreaming when it comes to talking to random people online, and adding them to your friends list. Not something Nintendo is going to do (more so with their largest handheld franchise).

4: Nope... no, not going to happen. Change the 4 move system they got? I've been playing Pokemon games since Red/Blue/Yellow and I've never had a prob with 4 moves. In fact it has more strategy then say a Pokemon with 6 moves, or 10 moves (If you think you can't have strategy with 4 moves then you won't understand this). Why have a Pokemon with 10 moves (you're just spamming the best moves and saying "Well, I got all my bases covered with this Pokemon) when you can have far far more strategy and have far more well rounded team with 4 moves for every Pokemon.
4 is good enough, no need to change it since it's worked great all of these years and has no probs (most likely most of the people complaining about the 4 moves is ones that aren't hardcore Pokemon fans).

5: I didn't have a prob with the graphics. Pokemon games aren't known for fancy flashy graphics so why make them the best looking thing on the DS when they can just have it good enough? And like you said, they did go for the whole nostalgia feel.

6: Nice, but no. It'd get annoying and repetitive soon enough.

The way I look at it, why start picking apart a great series when it's not broken? I don't have a prob with spicing things up a little, and adding new things. But having more than 4 moves? 3D sprites? The series hasn't sold 164 million copies because they changed something big every new game that came out (just to show you how big Pokemon is, the Tony Hawk series has sold 10 million games, the Pokemon series is the second largest gaming franchise and has sold over 164 million games). People like the way the Pokemon system is, the way it's been set up and so on. Change a game too much from it's base and no one will like it. Arcanine_88

Yeah, but how long can you beat a dead horse? Personally, I wouldn't mind having a darker storyline and a more realistic battle scene.

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#9 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

I agree with everything except 4. They need a shakeup, but adding a few extra move slots is more risky and probably less exciting than it sounds.

The use of DS features on this new genereation of games was awful, you couldn't even control it all one way or the other, it was a weird mishmash of button and touch that made the whole thing clunkier rather than streamlined. Quite how they managed to make the HUD and menus worse to navigate and read (too many submenus, things not readily accessible) when they had touch and two screens to share the infor over is almost beyond comprehension.

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#10 Turbo_Burdo
Member since 2007 • 606 Posts

1.I think four moves is enough but they need to be more creative with move name. This will make them sound cooler I mean, look how many clones they're making....Air slash, Night Slash (yawn)...Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse.

2. I think HMs shouldn't take up a move and be useable in battle instead they should make it so that they you can teach whatever HMs you want to a pokemon that it can learn.

3. Pokemon types: They're shouldn't be a lack of a type in a region. E.g, the fire type was ridiculously scarce in Sinnoh. I mean I started off with Piplup and I'm not a fan of ponyta...

4. Longer storyline, maybe even more gyms... A more challenging rival! Garry and that evil red-haired guy in Johto were good but May and the rival in this one are s**t.

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#11 vatterott
Member since 2006 • 1842 Posts
I think you ideas are really good. They should also have more puzzle elements, and exclusive Pokemon. Maybe user created Pokemon, a la Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker.
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#12 Jakendo
Member since 2007 • 3841 Posts
Dont really like the touch controls idea. Im find with the graphics, I think the 3D will slow down the battles unless it has a good framerate. Voice chat online isnt really neccesary except for trading. The only thing I dont like is the story. And how the mix the old pokemon with the new pokemon.
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#13 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

I don't agree with 1&5. I love the pokemon sprites, and I think a 3d pokemon game would suck, just look at colosseum and gale of darkness. I would change:

1.) The night and day system. The system should stay, but it was very uneven in D/P they should make more pokemon nocternal only.

2.) Distribute the pokemon throughout the routes more even. I'm tired of finding starly, and ponyta on almost all the routes.

Everything else they're still doing great.

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#14 douglaz999
Member since 2007 • 67 Posts

I know some people may complain, but I want a new game. This game will be almost all touch screen, touch somewhere and the person will go their, touch a little tree and your guy will cut it, and other things like that.

Also, this game will have a much cooler battle system. When you select your move, their are touch atterns or things you have to do to make the attack work. I know it might get annoying so I say that you get more experience for each kill than in the other games. For example, for the move roar, you could yyell into the mike to make it work, but that may not work becuase if your in public...Well anyway for like fire blast you could draw that figure, but since the move has a lower accuracy, you would only have like two seconds or something, but the better the picture looks like, the more damage, and if it doesn't resemble that fire man, then you miss.

So let me know if you agree that they should make a game like this, but they would of couse keep the old one comin too!

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#15 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

//6. Give the touch screen some cool little additions like throwing pokeballs and double tapping doors and switches and such.

6: Nice, but no. It'd get annoying and repetitive soon enough.

I'm not so sure. Maybe additions is a bit too weak of a word, but touch screen intergration and a drag and drop interface would be great. Just imagine having six pokeball icons along the top of the touch screen (each icon with the pokemon in that ball on the ball, plus a health bar running around the edge of that ball). You could easily see that pokemon's general status, heal it by dragging the potion from the item menu and dropping in on that icon. Likewise you could send that pokemon in place of the current one by pluckng the ball off the row of balls and then flicking it upward (a bit like how you flick up cards in Chocobo tales), flicking up on the left side of the screen would switch out the pokemon on that side, and likewise for the right side.

It wouldn't be so much a distraction as a neat way to streamline the interface. The examples I mentioned are only scratching the surface of a dual screen interaface. I sincerley hope that the 3rd edition of this arc will take things like menu streamlining into account.

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#16 falcoVSfox
Member since 2006 • 49 Posts

they need to put a pokemon game where they start from kanto till sinnoh that would be nice to

and A diff pokemon league like a 2 on 2 battle in a league

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#17 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

they need to put a pokemon game where they start from kanto till sinnoh that would be nice to

and A diff pokemon league like a 2 on 2 battle in a league


That's a cool Idea. They also need to bring back dive, so you can swim underwater.

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#18 Stevie_Q
Member since 2006 • 2011 Posts

I think...

a.) The game needs to have a longer and more challenging single-player: A lot of people just quickly beat the single-player and then start making their competitive team, but I can't be bothered. I'd rather have a logner and harder SP, with more difficult opponents, a better rival, puzzles, harder gyms, and more distance between cities.

b.) They need to do something different with the story: The same formula has been used since R/B/Y, with only minor tweaks. Young kid leaves on adventure, beats gyms, meets bad guys, beats bad guys, gets HM waterfall, goes through long cave, beats Elite Four. They need to redo the story, make it original. Scrap the old "these guys are bad, you must beat them" "you must beat these gyms and then go challenge the Elite Four" "Oh no, a legendary Pokemon is causing trouble, go beat/catch it" "'k, now go through Victory Road and beat the Elite Four". Give the player more choice in what he does.

c.) The sound needs to be better: Let's be honest, most of the Pokemon sound awful. I'm sure everyone just groans when they encounter a Zubat for the dozenth time ina cave and hear that "skreeeedududu"! The music should be re-done too. It all sopunds the same as it did in R/B/Y. And I think the batle music is really annoying

That's my $0.02

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#19 stooge55
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I would like a more smash bros. fighting scheme
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#20 Stevie_Q
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One more idea, i think it would be awesome if you didn't have to fight the gyms in a particular order, and if the gym leader's Pokemon levels were relevant to your own
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#21 sirlloydirving
Member since 2008 • 25 Posts

ive always thought that it would be cool to be able to choose different outfits to wear and stuff, like the fighting type trainers wear martial arts robes i think there should be a store to buy outfits and things like that

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#22 likesstuff
Member since 2008 • 226 Posts

The game already has alot of depth in it just check sites like serebii and it has tons of stuff on it.

Other than that i agree with just about all of what you said.

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#23 DarKnite32
Member since 2006 • 119 Posts
i agree the game is awsome wonderful, but they need to tweek it more like combine the powers like the show
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#24 DeadParrot145
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Pokemon stopped being fun for me once it went to the GBA, probably because the pokemon looked lame, the game was always the same, and it got old. But to this day i still play R&B and love it.

maybe thats what you are experiencing

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#25 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

One more idea, i think it would be awesome if you didn't have to fight the gyms in a particular order, and if the gym leader's Pokemon levels were relevant to your ownStevie_Q

That's does sort of defeat the point of raising one pokemon to a high level (let's be honest, who actually bothers to raise a steady team of 6 just to clear the single player?). I think to have certain challengers (a fairly large stock of them) with scaleable difficulty would be interesting.

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#26 joshi1s3
Member since 2006 • 2550 Posts

[QUOTE="Arcanine_88"]1: It's a DS game. If you want full 3D go buy Pokemon Battle Revolution.

2: I do agree with this one. Not so much as "OMG great sound effects" but more along the lines of "Stop using old effects!".

3: I agree with full online play with random people. But keep dreaming when it comes to talking to random people online, and adding them to your friends list. Not something Nintendo is going to do (more so with their largest handheld franchise).

4: Nope... no, not going to happen. Change the 4 move system they got? I've been playing Pokemon games since Red/Blue/Yellow and I've never had a prob with 4 moves. In fact it has more strategy then say a Pokemon with 6 moves, or 10 moves (If you think you can't have strategy with 4 moves then you won't understand this). Why have a Pokemon with 10 moves (you're just spamming the best moves and saying "Well, I got all my bases covered with this Pokemon) when you can have far far more strategy and have far more well rounded team with 4 moves for every Pokemon.
4 is good enough, no need to change it since it's worked great all of these years and has no probs (most likely most of the people complaining about the 4 moves is ones that aren't hardcore Pokemon fans).

5: I didn't have a prob with the graphics. Pokemon games aren't known for fancy flashy graphics so why make them the best looking thing on the DS when they can just have it good enough? And like you said, they did go for the whole nostalgia feel.

6: Nice, but no. It'd get annoying and repetitive soon enough.

The way I look at it, why start picking apart a great series when it's not broken? I don't have a prob with spicing things up a little, and adding new things. But having more than 4 moves? 3D sprites? The series hasn't sold 164 million copies because they changed something big every new game that came out (just to show you how big Pokemon is, the Tony Hawk series has sold 10 million games, the Pokemon series is the second largest gaming franchise and has sold over 164 million games). People like the way the Pokemon system is, the way it's been set up and so on. Change a game too much from it's base and no one will like it. hiphops_savior

Yeah, but how long can you beat a dead horse? Personally, I wouldn't mind having a darker storyline and a more realistic battle scene.

Dead horse? Have you seen how much diamond and pearl sold? why Change what isnt broken.

More realistic battles? how can you make pokemon realistic without taking it out of its element.

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#27 joshi1s3
Member since 2006 • 2550 Posts

I would like a more smash bros. fighting schemestooge55

Maybe in a differn't game, like they did racing in pokemon dash. Final fantasy changed the battle system in ff12 to a more actiony one and it failed. hard. well IMO

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#28 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.

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#29 classicgameR4
Member since 2007 • 384 Posts
this is gold these are some good ideas I don't play pokemon but still
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#30 clifftrapremove
Member since 2004 • 825 Posts
Why change what isn't broken isn't going to work forever. The industry is moving foreward with games like Mass Effect and Bioshock and while i don't think pokemon needs to be edgy or anything, having a story and more complex gameplay elements would not hurt. They could introduce the Pokemon world as just that, a living breathing world where you can play the game online at all times and encouter other players in real time. Imagine an online system similar to Burnout Paradise or Animal Crossing but in the range of 20 people, not just 4.
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#31 mvidmaster
Member since 2004 • 25 Posts

3d sprites - That would be really bad. The DS's graphics aren't strong enough for gamefreak to render all 600+ pokemon so they look decent. 2d sprites are the way to go, keep the 3d graphics on the home console battlers.

More complex story/Darker plot - This I agree with, but come on people, we all know who the majority of pokemon players are. Kids younger than 12 make up most of pokemons sales, while the older hardcore fans make up a tiny percentage.

Improved Online Play - A lot of people were angry that there were no random wifi battles, and now that Nintendo has implemented it into PBR, I think it's pretty much a sure thing that the next games in the DS series (Gold/Silver remakes, and DP's yellow version) will have randomized wifi battles, hopefully with rules similar to the Battle Tower where you can't use certain pokemon.

Customizable Outfits - I would really like this, DPs hero was the gayest one I've ever seen, especially after the cool looking Emerald outfit.

A lot of people want pokemon to be MMORPG where you walk around and there's other people walking around next to you in the game world. Since pokemon is not and never will an MMORPG, this won't be happening for the core games, but something I think they could do like this is to make one town in the game world function like a gigantic union room of sorts for wifi, so you really could walk around and talk to people and battle and trade without having to get friend codes.

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#32 especensor
Member since 2006 • 3180 Posts

Pokemon one of the most successful series of all time still awsome to this day but there seriously needs some changes.

1. more than little sprites of pokemon on the screen when you battle please give us some 3d models where the pokemon actually hit eachother. Obviously it would be toned down but anything more than a paper cut out would be nice.

2. For the love of god, please give them better sound effects than the generic chirp or cheep. Some fo those sounds are from like the first pokemon game. Give them all their patented sounds. Dont tell me there is not enough room because EA is already doing amazing work with sound in their DS games.

3. Full online where you play random and friends and keep up the ebay style of trading pokemon. Have monthly pokemon tournaments and keep up voice chat. Let random people voice chat with you and text chat. Its already been done the door is open tony Hawk lets you chat with random people. If you really liked the other person let them exchange FCs.

4. I know there is a crapload of awsome RPG action but there needs to be a monkey wrench in the gears. they need to add depth the to the RPG. meaning possibly catgorizing the pokemon's moves so they can have more than 4. Its always been a complaint that people have to sacrifice moves and alot of time they just go for the huge flamethrower, Fly, Fire Blast, and Slash. Why not allow more moves so there can be strategy. it would certainly give more balance with bug pokemon.

5. Improve the graphics. Pearl/Diamond were nice but they definitely could have gone farther. it looks like they purposefully went for the nostalgia.

6. Give the touch screen some cool little additions like throwing pokeballs and double tapping doors and switches and such.

Heres my ideas explain what you dont like and if I cant defend it i am wrong and ill take it put. GO.


i would disagree with most of your argument. the ds does not have the power for 3d models instead of sprites. they would be possible, but they would look pretty bad. this is just me, but i'd rather have the d/p sprites over the pokemon stadium polygons.

the battle system with 4 moves is perfect. they should never ever change that. limiting the moves to 4 adds more depth than any 100+ move system. it forces you to play stragetically and add variety of attacks to your move pool instead of just something like flamethrower, fire blast, blast burn, overheat. more moves = less strategy cos you just put every move you learn into a pokemon's moveset.

touch screen additions shouldn't be added unless they're actually useful. a gimmick like open doors and throwing pokeballs, that would only slow down the already snail like pacing of d/p. i honestly dont remember a pokemon coming out of its pokeball and attacking would take so long. all the animations are prolonged enough, no need to muck it up even more by throwing in useless gimmicks like "open doors with touchscreen"

the only thing i'd agree with you on is the online. right now, it just isnt robust enough. i just couldnt believe they left out battling random opponents online. instead, you fight other people's teams used by computers, which is barely worth fighting against. some way of exchanging friend codes or atleast becoming rivals like in metroid prime would be nice. and for gosh sake, just let us actually fight random opponents.

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#33 foreversai
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Maybe you havent played Dragon Quest Monster: Joker? The DS has the ability to be doing 3-D models, and i would wanna see it for the Pokemon series.
Maybe people will call it a ripoff DQM:J but it's gonna be a nice improvement over the old Pokemon games and i'm sure people would welcome it.
They definitly need to put random Wifi battle in, though no voicechat for this battles are understandable, i wont want a random punk spouting nonsense when he gets trashed.

4 skills is just nice, and is needed for the strategy part. More moves means you have to use less brains to think of a strategy with your moveset.
I'm okay with no touchscreen "over-world" controls, since it's mostly gimmicky and the usual D-pad + A is sometimes more effective and easy to execute.
Customizable Avatar is a must-have, i wont expect too much, but maybe provide us with the choice to choose from all those computer characters that are not story majors (eg: cool-trainer, psychic, pokemon-fan, etc) and maybe provide 3 or more color schemes for each.

With FF4 being a 1gb game, i dont see why Nintendo cant make a 1gb Pokemon game to include all the improvements when it's one of their best selling and cash making games ever made.
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#34 joshi1s3
Member since 2006 • 2550 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

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#35 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

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#36 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest.


The figures suggest that the games are more popular than before though, not less, and because of that Nintendo has no reason to care. Admittedly I think the raised sales (in Japan at least over the previous incarnations) has a lot to do with the DS's popularity itself rather than the game.

TBH only one of your ideas is very interesting, that being adding more moves, everything else is really a baffling limitation of what the developers have put in thus far.

It goes without saying that audio and visual quality will eventually make the leap, whether that is suitable for the DS or not is another issue.

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#37 joshi1s3
Member since 2006 • 2550 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

You have failed. Stop trying to think otherwise. most of us disagree.


Why are you calling us afraid. we just dont like your ideas. Why the hell are we wrong if your idea is just plain stupid. If you dont like the pokemon formula get another game and stop justifying game ruining ideas.

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#38 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

You have failed. Stop trying to think otherwise. most of us disagree.


Why are you calling us afraid. we just dont like your ideas. Why the hell are we wrong if your idea is just plain stupid. If you dont like the pokemon formula get another game and stop justifying game ruining ideas.

The best you could do is give an animation of a player falling why should I even talk to you when you can't talk on an intellectual level or refute what I said to you.

People got freaked out when I suggested something fun the the touchscreen that in no way impacted the game.

Adding the possibility to have more moves like paralyze and such would let people use those moves instead of just having them take it out and use thunder the whole time. It adds so much more depth but I can see you dont even understand what I am saying.

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#39 Articuno76
Member since 2004 • 19799 Posts

Adding the possibility to have more moves like paralyze and such would let people use those moves instead of just having them take it out and use thunder the whole time. It adds so much more depth but I can see you dont even understand what I am saying.


I think ppl. who play competitevly do use those moves, albeit limited to Poison/bug types in most cases. I don't think addnig more of those moves will help, it might be better instead to simply make those status more effective like in Colossuem where status effects sounded the death knell on the higher difficulties. Maybe part of it would be to simply have a higher difficulty that forces the players to play stategically because as it is you can stomp the CPU opponents simply by raising 2-3 strong pokemon.

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#40 foreversai
Member since 2004 • 1801 Posts
It's just you and your group that uses Thunder and no Thunderwave?
Status ailment moves are used by many and are very effective when used right.
A well timed Thunderwave/Will O Wisp on a sweeper can very well kill it's sweeping abilities. Toxic on a tank with no way to recover from the status also limits it's walling capabilities.
Thunder is almost unused, only seldom placed into Kyogre-counters or on a Kyogre.
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#41 TechDresdain
Member since 2008 • 85 Posts
The pokemons must be 3D since the building and etc. are all in 3D.. I al wanted to battle with a pokemon in 3D and in 3D special effects for e.g. like when Pichu uses thunderbolt it should look like a 3D thunderbolt, thats all. The big BUT there is there are 400+ pokemons out there to be edited in 3D. but I'm Contented(still, not to contented)
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#42 merch
Member since 2005 • 4235 Posts
i say they make a game that has kanto,johto,hoenn,sinnoh and another place and put all the pokemon in the game that way we would have to face 45 gym leaders are rival who knows how many times, oh so many pkmon trainers through the continents, so many elite 4 people :D
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#43 Cyber-
Member since 2007 • 4026 Posts

It's just you and your group that uses Thunder and no Thunderwave?
Status ailment moves are used by many and are very effective when used right.
A well timed Thunderwave/Will O Wisp on a sweeper can very well kill it's sweeping abilities. Toxic on a tank with no way to recover from the status also limits it's walling capabilities.
Thunder is almost unused, only seldom placed into Kyogre-counters or on a Kyogre.foreversai

Yes but its not stadard by any means. Maybe a slot for status moves would make it more standard and not only that but the devs can give more moves to the pokemon that are from the show. Another alternative is as somone suggested is making the status moves more effective. Either way there has to be more of a break up from the uber powerful moves.

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#44 joshi1s3
Member since 2006 • 2550 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

You have failed. Stop trying to think otherwise. most of us disagree.


Why are you calling us afraid. we just dont like your ideas. Why the hell are we wrong if your idea is just plain stupid. If you dont like the pokemon formula get another game and stop justifying game ruining ideas.

The best you could do is give an animation of a player falling why should I even talk to you when you can't talk on an intellectual level or refute what I said to you.

People got freaked out when I suggested something fun the the touchscreen that in no way impacted the game.

Adding the possibility to have more moves like paralyze and such would let people use those moves instead of just having them take it out and use thunder the whole time. It adds so much more depth but I can see you dont even understand what I am saying.

We refused what you said but then you went and said "Your afraid of change" and "You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware "

Its so futile and childish. Post whatever you want next but i refuse to argue with NOOBS anymore

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#45 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

2D Sprites FTW!!!! I'd rather have beutiful 2-D sprites than crappy 3d models. They did improve the graphics in the game. Go back and play R/S and you'll see a big difference, I think the graphics for D/P should stay for a while. I'd be pissed if they made everything 3D, like colosseum or Gale of Darkness.

Like I said previously they need to change somethings (and bring back somethings).

Change the night and day system to have more nocternal pokemon not just 1 or 2.

Change the Pokemon you can find throughout the game, I'm tired of running into ponyta.

Bring back HM8 Dive Underwater was an awsome experience.

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#46 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

[QUOTE="foreversai"]It's just you and your group that uses Thunder and no Thunderwave?
Status ailment moves are used by many and are very effective when used right.
A well timed Thunderwave/Will O Wisp on a sweeper can very well kill it's sweeping abilities. Toxic on a tank with no way to recover from the status also limits it's walling capabilities.
Thunder is almost unused, only seldom placed into Kyogre-counters or on a Kyogre.Cyber-

Yes but its not stadard by any means. Maybe a slot for status moves would make it more standard and not only that but the devs can give more moves to the pokemon that are from the show. Another alternative is as somone suggested is making the status moves more effective. Either way there has to be more of a break up from the uber powerful moves.

The show's based off the game why would devs base their game off the show.

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#47 hiphops_savior
Member since 2007 • 8535 Posts
If Paper Mario TTYD and Mario and Luigi Partners in Time can sell to kids with a darker plot, then so can Pokemon. If you can add instances of a young Gym Leader or rival developing feelings for your character or having an actual sub-quest with the Gym Leader or rival, then you can make it darker without getting slapped with a T rating.
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#48 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

If Paper Mario TTYD and Mario and Luigi Partners in Time can sell to kids with a darker plot, then so can Pokemon. If you can add instances of a young Gym Leader or rival developing feelings for your character or having an actual sub-quest with the Gym Leader or rival, then you can make it darker without getting slapped with a T rating.hiphops_savior

I wouldn't really call TTYD or PiT darker, but I do agree the story for the games should be expanded more.

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#49 sonic_rusher
Member since 2007 • 2185 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

You have failed. Stop trying to think otherwise. most of us disagree.


Why are you calling us afraid. we just dont like your ideas. Why the hell are we wrong if your idea is just plain stupid. If you dont like the pokemon formula get another game and stop justifying game ruining ideas.

The best you could do is give an animation of a player falling why should I even talk to you when you can't talk on an intellectual level or refute what I said to you.

People got freaked out when I suggested something fun the the touchscreen that in no way impacted the game.

Adding the possibility to have more moves like paralyze and such would let people use those moves instead of just having them take it out and use thunder the whole time. It adds so much more depth but I can see you dont even understand what I am saying.

We refused what you said but then you went and said "Your afraid of change" and "You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware "

Its so futile and childish. Post whatever you want next but i refuse to argue with NOOBS anymore

Why would you assume that "we" are like a team against the TC. If anything you are the childish noob who post pictures of soccer players and got everything out of hand.
I agree the whole series has just gotten by in terms of quality.

Thank god you are not developing games because they would be on the level of Madden where nothing changes.

Appearantly you are afraid of change because your the only one going crazy.

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#50 Minishdriveby
Member since 2006 • 10519 Posts

To the people who say keep the formula listen up.

1.It seems like some people are so afraid of tampering with this repetitive formula that even suggesting optional fun little features like throwing a pokeball or interecting with the environment is scaring you guys.

2.I understand that more than 4 moves is a big step but think of how people just stack the toughest moves and dont take the chance to use the lesser moves that may be lowering defense or something like that. SO maybe the best idea would be to still have 4 main moves and maybe 4 add on moves.

3.For the people who said they cant put 3d or at least more animated pokemon your crazy. Look at CoD4 or MPH on DS and then think about how easy it would be for them to add more effects. Also they have already made some games that let you chat with random people namely Tony Hawk and there should definitely be text chat cause not everyone gets headsets.

4.The online would not be limited to battles single battles. There should be team double battles. You should be able to wager items and in game money. There should obviously be ranking from novice to Pokemon Master! There should be live tournaments where you can win prizes and always in game money. I really like hpw you can chat with friends whenever you want.

5.People dont realise that even though Pokemon is popular there been a huge loss of interest. They need to attract the more committed RPG fan. It wasnt that big of a deal when Diamond and Pearl were similar because they still made some big advancements like online play and there hadnt beena pokemon game in a while. The next one is going to require more than what the GBA can do.


1.No, your ideas of making a pokemon game rubbish is scarring us Guys.

2.More Moves=less stratergy. so what if you dont get to see all of them. if we had 8 moves per pokemon it would destroy the need to catch more pokemon in main game.

3. this isnt a shooter this is an rpg. if you want 3d sprites get battle revoloution.

4.I agree but i dont think that should be thrown into the ds version. maybe give us a reason to get the console version if added.

5. I bet half the pokemon community didnt go online and still enjoyed the old fashoned experience.

no you are just afraid of change. No oone here has given a good reason for what I am suggesting except for maybe the change int he 4 move set. But you are wrong if you think it wont add strategy. As of right now most people just add the most powerful moves and forget possibly useful moves. If you add those into the picture there is a whole layer of strategy. You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware beecause there are games that do full 3d environments giving more motion and life to the pokemon is a simple feat esp with the controlled turn based nature.

You guys keep saying dont fix whats not broken. Maybe it isnt broken but its in a state of mediocrity. Pokemon Blue/Red were AAA title status and as we went down the line of games they simply added a little more of the same thing. So it got by with being still fun. Diamond and Pearl were fun but are they near the level or did they give us the impact that the original did. You know why? Because it did not play to the full potential of the DS. There needs to be improvement and changes.

You have failed. Stop trying to think otherwise. most of us disagree.


Why are you calling us afraid. we just dont like your ideas. Why the hell are we wrong if your idea is just plain stupid. If you dont like the pokemon formula get another game and stop justifying game ruining ideas.

The best you could do is give an animation of a player falling why should I even talk to you when you can't talk on an intellectual level or refute what I said to you.

People got freaked out when I suggested something fun the the touchscreen that in no way impacted the game.

Adding the possibility to have more moves like paralyze and such would let people use those moves instead of just having them take it out and use thunder the whole time. It adds so much more depth but I can see you dont even understand what I am saying.

We refused what you said but then you went and said "Your afraid of change" and "You guys obviously dont know the DS hardware "

Its so futile and childish. Post whatever you want next but i refuse to argue with NOOBS anymore

Why would you assume that "we" are like a team against the TC. If anything you are the childish noob who post pictures of soccer players and got everything out of hand.
I agree the whole series has just gotten by in terms of quality.

Thank god you are not developing games because they would be on the level of Madden where nothing changes.

Appearantly you are afraid of change because your the only one going crazy.

Pokemon Changes with everygame they change the graphics, the stuff you can do, and the environment. The only thing they don't change is the battle formula which should stay. I mean the pokemon aren't 3D but the sprites have come a long way go back and look at red/blue, hell go back and look at ruby and sapphire.