Major suckage

User Rating: 1.3 | Ford Street Racing PS2
Renting this game was a Bold Move on my part. I'm not even going to waste my time writing a long review, so here we go: miniscule track selection, insulting difficulty, and horrendous AI. In other words, this game manages to suck and blow at the time, just like the cars is represents. Now for the obligatory Ford jokes:

Factory Ordered Road Disaster
Fat Old Rusted Dog
Fix Or Repair Daily
Flip Over Read Directions
For Off Road Death
For Only Retarded Drivers
Ford Owner Really Dumb
Ford Owners Recommend Dodge
Found On Road Dead
Four Old Rusted Doors
F*cking Only Runs Downhill

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If it wasn't for Fords, our tools would rust.

Chevrolet all the way, man.