This game is to day, the best in the world. It inspired and awed the whole world, and is the best in the series.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VII PS
Final Fantasy 7 is probably the most remembered, most loved, most cheerished game in the world. In it, you play as Cloud, an Ex-soldier, who needs to stop the evil Sephiroth from blowing up Earth when his mother, Jenova, comes down as a meteor onto the Earth. You have the ability to control man characters, which are Cloud, Barret, Cid, Tifa, Yuffie, Aerith, Sith Cat, Vincent, and Red. In this game that won the hearts of all the gamers in the world, you must battle your way to Sephiroth and stop his evil plan before it is too late, and the Earth is destroyed. Sadly, when i got this game, i was a fool, and i sold it, and i can't find a store that sells it and the only way to get a copy is Ebay,