The first Final Fantasy game I've played, and I was having a f***ing good time playing it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy IV Advance GBA
Final Fantasy IV was the hardest Final Fantasy game I've played so far (even harder than Final Fantasy V) and the most annoying one because of all the high amounts of random battles. Although these problems did bug me, I didn't let it bother me too much throughout the game.
What I really liked was the music in the game, especially the track "Fight 1" where it really set the mood for the a battle. Another one is the track which is played on the over world map, its called " Main Theme of FFIV ". I don't really like the music, I just like how they set the mood of the situation.
FFIV was the first of the series to have the ATB (Active Time Battle) system. The battles in the game are turn based, but while you wait the enemy can still attack you. At first I got bother by this notion but grew to get use to it and love it.
I didn't mind the magic system, leveling up to gain spells was reasonable to me and gaining the summons was a fun activity.
Final Fantasy IV was a fun game with a really epic ending with fun puzzles along the way.