Final Fantasy II may not be the most solid game in the series, but its premises and creativity make a game worth playing

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy II PSP
Final Fantasy II was designed for those who enjoyed the old-school games while it does show its age those who will get the most out of this game is your diehard RPG fans. Final Fantasy II throws you into a world that is in the middle of war with an Empire of Palmecia. The Man behind it is only known as the Emperor. The Empire invades the home of Fynn forcing many out of there home, Firion, Maria, Guy, and Leon are forced out of there home and a split up when they encounter enemy soldiers inside of there city. There they take refugee inside another town where they meet he queen of Fynn. She will not let them join the resistance. They sneek back into Fynn and catch a glimps of Scott a prince who was wounded during a fight with the empire. After proving they are strong Hilda decides to let them join the resistance.

Final Fantasy II indeed does have a very tedious level up system by today's standards it doesn't stand, but back then it would have been more widely accepted. The conept is unique, taking damage rises your HP, using MP rises your MP usage, basically if you want somebody to be strong in battle you must use that in battle. Final Fantasy II marked the first installment to have characters that you didn't create, and the characters all have a nice personality that brings the story together. The story in iself is good to, much death and trust me there is alot bring this war driven story foward.

While this is not the best Final Fantasy game its not a bad game either you have been warned it takes a certain type of respect and RPG gamer to enjoy these older games. If you can get past the level system and old-school your looking at an enjoyable experince inside of the Final Fantasy Universe, Probly my least favorite out of the long running series. 8.5/10