Near perfect RPG, full of bugs and CTD... but best in series nonetheless!

User Rating: 9.5 | Fallout: New Vegas PC
After being bored to death with Fallout 3 (3 complete playthrough), I turned to the mod community to brighten up the Fallout experience and I was satisfied with quite a few, mods... and for a while everything was fine although I always wished Fallout 3 would have a more alive feel to it, I mean it's not because you live in a dead world that you should go living your life like a zombie and that's exactly what the NPC's of Fallout 3 felt like.

That being said, I wasn't expecting or waiting for New Vegas to come out since the previous game can feel bland and boring, and I have to admit, I was scared by this title being made by Obsidian since they always release games full of bugs and average at best. Then I went and bought Fallout New Vegas which came with a Blu-Ray of Mad Max for free! Talk about a good deal, a game that to me had full potential and a cult movie with Mel Gibson on top of that. How could I go wrong with that deal?

So I went home to install the game and I played and played and though the experience is full of bugs, I can now say that Fallout New Vegas is way much better than Fallout 3 despite all the bugs and the CTD. I'm totally in love with the new system and the new traits, especially Good Natured and Wild Wasteland which gives the game its true meaning if you're bold enough to play in Hardcore Mode.

I won't give you any spoilers but let's just say that you have to earn your way before you get to New Vegas and the game world seems very big although you start in a nice little town called Goodsprings (for its water sources). From there you choose which factions you want to work with, befriend, or even make war with! A lot of which gives the game its true replayability feature, this is a game you will enjoy to replay as different roles just to see all the possibilties.

So far for me, the game is unpredictable and full of plots and twists that you will feel totally immersed and what will go as 10 hours will seem to you as 1 hour of playtime. That's how fast time goes when you play this RPG.

I mean all the voice actors are perfect and the dialogues are well thought of and give you a lot of flexibility. You don't have a total of 2, I mean 3 voice actors like in Fallout 3. This time, all the conversations feel fresh and relevant to the game and frankly, they keep you glued to the game and make you want to discover every corner of it which was quite a pain in the previous Fallout.

Overall I would say that this is a must buy for RPG fans and for newcomers to the genre alike.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the strip...

Yippy-ya, Yippy-yay!