It has been a long time since I've been so disinterested in a game.

User Rating: 5 | Fable: The Lost Chapters PC
Perhaps I would have had a better experience if this game didn't have overwhelmingly positive reviews... or maybe if I had played it back in 2005. Fable completely failed to grab me. The only thing it succeeded in was irritating me.

Firstly, you're treated like a moron. You can do "GOOD DEEDS" or "BAD DEEDS" as it explicitly explains to you like you were a moron at the beginning of the game. These deeds will affect the development of your character throughout the game. I gathered this was one of the selling points of the game. However, it is one of the game's biggest flaws. Morally categorising the player's actions so definitively makes decision making completely dull. I want the game to test me. Make me pick between various shades of gray. Black and white decisions are easy. Moral ambiguity actually makes you think. There are literally decisions to be made like 'stop the bandits from slaughtering the innocent traders' and 'slaughter the traders with the bandits.' There are no back stories, there is no reason to slaughter the traders other than petty amounts of money.

Money is another problem. In a town you arrive in early in the game you can play the game of Memory. You can bet up to 1000 coins per game and play as many games as you like, (the best weapons in the game cost about 20000), each game taking 20-30 seconds. I practiced about 3 times, betting 1 coin each game, before I had mastered the game and COULD NOT lose. Thus the in game currency is completely undermined right at the beginning of the game.

The plot was generic and dull. The characters were all incredibly unlikable and simple. The voice acting was awful. The game's general atmosphere was very comical, as if it were aimed at 9 or 10 year olds, yet it was awkwardly mixed with black humour... rarely of which was actually funny. I didn't care for the main plot at all and ended up skipping all the major cut scenes towards the end of the game.

It didn't really play like an RPG either. The world was like one really long corridor. I felt like I needed to break out. Most platformers allow you to roam further than Fable.

Yawn. 5/10 for some reasonably satisfying combat and a couple of fun quests.