While it has some flaws, Fable: The Lost Chapters manages to deliver a fun experience for the short time that it lasts.

User Rating: 8.2 | Fable: The Lost Chapters (Platinum Hits) XBOX
NOTE: Before reading this review, please note that I never played the original Fable, so this review is based on my review of Fable: The Lost Chapters as a game as opposed to basing my review as a comparison between the original version.

Gameplay: The gameplay in Fable: The Lost Chapters has its goods and its bads. The good thing about the gameplay is that it's open ended and non-linear. You can decide whether you'd like to continue with the main quest, or just sit back and do some side-quests or buy out entire towns or whatnot. You can even decide whether you want to be good or evil. It's all up to you! In a way, it feels kind of like a non-gangster, RPG version of Grand Theft Auto (although much better than GTA). Furthermore, the game is really fun to play, which is something that no game can be without. The mission variety helps to keep the game entertaining as well, and the story was good and remained interesting throughout the game (though don't expect to be blown away like most other RPGs' stories).

However, there are also some bad things about the gameplay, the most noticable of which is the extremely cumbersome and confusing menu system. I really did not like the way that you equip armor or choose to execute commands or whatnot. It just seemed so cluttered and uninspired, and I really thought they could have improved it much. Furthermore, while the game is supposed to seem like one giant world that's yours to explore, essentially the game just falls flat in terms of its overworld. Instead of being this giant intertwined world, the world is divided up into a ton of mini "zones", which are all separated by 8-13 second load screens. Its kind of hard to picture this as being a giant, seemless world when you've got to go through so many load screens, which is something that I didn't really like. Thirdly, the combat system seemed frustrating at times, since you'd continuously get knocked over by certain enemies' unblockable attacks over and over again without having much time to attack them, which reduced the fun that you're having at those moments. Still, while the gameplay has its flaws, in the end Fable: The Lost Chapter manages to deliver a fun, non-linear experience.

Graphics: The graphics in Fable: The Lost Chapters are very unique. You can tell by exploring one of the game's beautiful looking environments that the creators were going for a kind of storybook feel, and they manage to hit this goal spot on. While some might say that the people in the game look horribly done, since they are somewhat blocky, I feel that this was intentionally done to boost the storybook feel. While the framerate did get sketchy at times, and I didn't like the frequent and lengthy load times between areas, overall this is a graphically impressive game.

Sound: The audio of Fable: The Lost Chapters is where the game truly shines! Throughout the game, you will hear many memorable themes and soundtracks, especially the main theme to the game. Furthermore, everyone in the game is voice acted, meaning there is minimal reading: always a plus for any game. The voice acting in Fable: The Lost Chapters is excellently done, and I can't remember a single bad voice actor throughout the game.

Value: Wow, I knew the game would be short, but I didn't expect it to be this short. I beat the game (including the bonus Fable: The Lost Chapters main quests) in 13 and a half hours... even though I did most of the side quests in the game! Without the sidequests, I could easily see someone beating this game in... 7 or 8 hours, perhaps even less. Furthermore, the extra "Lost Chapters" content is less than 2 hours long, and definitely not worth repurchasing or replaying if you already own the original Fable (since the content is at the end of the game). Still, the game does boast some replay value, such as the fact that you can beat the game being Good the first time and then Evil the second time, but still... overall, the game is just too short, especially by RPG standards.

Tilt: Overall, Fable: The Lost Chapters is a great game. It's not the "game of the year" that some have boasted Fable to be, and it's not even really a good RPG (since the game doesn't have an amazing story or length - two key things in RPGs), but overall, the game is still a blast to play. The game's got some terrific graphics and amazing sound, as well as interesting non-linear gameplay, which makes the game worth checking out, even though it's short. If you've played the original Fable, there's really no reason for you to pick up this version, as it's pretty much the same game with limited extras. However, if you've never played the original Fable, I recommend checking this game out, either through rental or through purchase. It's a game that everyone should at least try, RPG fan or not.