F1 is the greatest form of racing on the planet! Of all companies, why did it have to be done by CodeMasters?

User Rating: 8 | F1 2010 X360
I'm a big F1 fan born and raised in the USA and I have seen every practice / qualifying / race this year thanks to my DVR and SPEED Channel. I'm thrilled beyond belief that F1 is coming to Austin in 2012! It's hard for me not to love this game just for the fact that it's the first F1 game for 3 platforms (360/PC/PS3) and is a major release. I also pretty much play ALL racing games for PC and 360.

That said… What the blank is CodeMasters doing!?? Releasing an F1 game during a 19 race season with only 5 races left to go?? WTH man? That's like Madden coming out in December! Or tomato plant seedlings going on sale in August! It makes no sense!!

So I have just played carrier mode through the first two races and here is my quick feedback so far. The driving is decent but not great, not even really good. This game is NO FORZA 3 (or 2 or 1). It is a typical Codemasters arcade let down racing game like GRID and Dirt 2 (Dirt 1 and TOcA series were actually pretty good and all their racing games have just gotten worse since).

I could at this point go on and on about the lack of realism in the driving but I won't because if you have played a Codemasters game recently you already know what that is. I will just focus in on one big issue… CUTTING CORNERS and it disqualifying your lap!! Trying to get a valid lap while still being fast in Melbourne is almost impossible, on any driver level!! Real F1 is not even close to this harsh! I didn't notice it as much in Bahrain but in Melbourne it's just a joke and pretty much ruins the game.

And don't even get me started about the lack of damage or how your team will say things like "you have a bit of gravel on your tires so you will have less grip until it wears off" but you don't actually lose any grip at all!

All that said, they do have all real tracks, real teams, real drivers, real cars, real tires and rain! This is so awesome! Thank god for this game! F1 is the greatest form of racing on the planet and at least someone has finally made a game of it. It's just really, really too bad it wasn't done by Turn 10 Studios instead of Codemasters. I'm going to go ahead and beat the dead horse by saying again... if Codemasters had any clue at all then why would they have released this game with only 5 races left in the season!!! Think about that question and you will know what to expect from this game! Thanks for reading.