Fan of Evil Dead? Ash? Buy this Game!

User Rating: 8.6 | Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick XBOX
Fan of Evil Dead? Ash? Buy this Game! Seriously, you can probably get it for really cheap too considering it has been around for awhile and it was budget priced when it was released. This game is no Resident Evil or Silent Hill, but those trying to find that in this game are missing the point! The movies are slapstick and are no "The Exorcist" or "Dawn of the Dead" either. This game is short, sometimes stupid, but always fun.

+ Tons of deadites to kill with ash's cool weapons and one liners
+ Lots of different environments throughout the game spanning time
+ Fun story with lots of humor

- Short
- Easy
- Linear

Definately grab this game if you are an Evil Dead Fan, it is a great fun way to Kill an afternoon ;)