great game but once you beat like level 3...

User Rating: 8.8 | Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick XBOX
great game but once you beat like level 3... its very hard.
make sure you save up your health cause it doesnt repair at the end of a level. save up you best ammo because youll need it. and use the chainsaw until about level 3 because you kill a whole bunch of bosses and youll need alot of health like me i had one for health and no ammo at all. so i was screwed.
but here is my review: ashh is a hilarious butt-hole who laughs an taunts his victims as they die my fav taunt is " hey i just found a cure for ugly" as he kills them. you get to kill prostitutes and stripper zombies and its very ard so save health.
the good: great weapons levels grafix and gameplay.
the bad: terrible health systme and refill health systme thingy. no unlimited ammo weapons beside the chainsaw. but great game.
contact me if you have any q's.