Tolerable when there were not any good alternatives but with all of the better games out its hard to go back

User Rating: 7.1 | EverQuest: Shadows of Luclin PC
Well, It's been almost 5 years now, since I started playing EverQuest, and since I have been introduced to this game, it's been a love - hate relationship. I love it, and can't stop, then I hate it, hate it, hate it! I put it away for a while, then one day get the urge to play again, and then can't stop, then hate it... and the cycle continues. EverQuest is certainly an acquired taste, and you must have several personality characteristics to enjoy this game. 1. Do not look for perfection. This is an old game that has been fixed up over the years. Simple things like questing, minimizing to windows, alt/tab to another window, etc... Still are real pains in the rear. Although Quest NPC's give you hints to responses, questing basically requires you to repeatedly guess what you need to type in the chat window to respond. A real pain! 2. Be happy and content with what you have, not what you can get, or don't have. If you can't do this, then you will be an EverCrack addict! The best part of this game is that it is extremely rewarding, and SOE loves to dangle cool stuff in front of your face, which makes you want, want, want! Look at that guy's awesome shield! Wow, look at that cool sword! I need to get to level 50, TONIGHT! No time for sleep! No time for food! I want that sword! Wouldn’t it be great if I can actually travel to the zones in any of my 8 purchased expansion packs without dying! I need lvl 50 tonight! 3. Live, and enjoy living in the world. Take up fishing, crafting, or start a bunch of alternate characters. Do anything to keep your mind off of leveling up. Focus on the other fun and great aspects of the game, and keep leveling from being the main thing on your mind, because it happens very, very slowly, and will drive you nuts unless you focus on other things. When you do finally hear that sweet wonderful "DING!!" of leveling up, rejoice, party it up, accept your "Gratz man!" and "congrats" and again, focus on something else. 4. Although soloing can be done, most of the time, it is unrealistic and very repetitive and boring. You will enjoy the game a lot more if you are always looking for a group. You may not always find one, but at least always be looking. Put your LFG flag up, and go fishing, buy some spells, search the Bazaar for cool items, etc… Live in the world, enjoy it, and grab every group opportunity that comes your way. 5. If you have a life, a job, school, a wife, kids, etc… and you don’t have most of your time to play (because this is what it requires), pick a druid as your main character, so you can get the most out of the game. Druids get SOW spell, which speeds them up a lot, and get port spells for instant transport. They also have heals, and good buffs, so you can solo if you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to finding, and keeping up with a group. That sums it up. Also keep in mind that this game is now very out-of-date, compared to most other MMORPG’s on the market, and most of them are becoming much more fun to play. Lately, I have been enjoying EverQuest II, World of Warcraft, and Guild Wars, and I am finding it more and more difficult to go back to EverQuest. Although I still get the urges to log in and play, I just can’t get my self to spend all the time putting up with looking for a group, traveling to meet up w/ the group, waiting for the group to get their selves organized, and then, 3hrs later, diving into another 4 – 5 hr. commitment, or otherwise spending hours guessing what to answer an NPC for a stupid quest. It was tolerable when there weren’t any other good MMORPG alternatives, but now, with all of the better games out there, it’s hard to go back.