Not really into rythme games, but this...

User Rating: 8 | Elite Beat Agents DS
Elite Beat Agents introduced me to the rythme games genre and I must say it is rather impressive. EBA uses cheesy story lines mixed with comical art and presents it well with responsive gameplay to boot.

Unlockable songs can be found as you progress through the game and there is just the right amount of songs to keep you from putting it down. More songs could have been added though to add longevity to the game.

The game has four difficulty levels, each with their own lead character. Each character has 2 support characters. These guys known as EBA (Elite Beat Agents, go figure heh) go around whenever people cry for help. Their cheesy commander hears the cry for help and send his agents out with a rememorable "GO!!!!!". The Elite Beat Agents NEVER directly help other people, in fact they are more like supporting cheerleaders who dance and sing in the background. The story leaves you eager to complete each song too find out what happens to those you help, either they successfully complete (fix) their problem or they blame the EBAgents which bring's you to a "Gameover": screen that says they are closed. haha.

Difficulty 8/10

The gameplay is great. You tap circles shown in the touch screen to the beat of the song. Depending on the difficulty level this will range from one circle ever 2 seconds to five circles every second. The touch screen works great and the game is very responsive, picking up on time when you tap to the beat.

Gameplay 8/10

Sound quality is good, amazing with headphones on. It is recommended this game be played for optimum hearing with earphones otherwise your tapping may be off and the game becomes frustrating at higher difficulty levels. The sound has good bass so you are able to keep in time with the beat and the reworked songs are a blast to hear ( YMCA, such a classic).

Sound 8/10

Overall this game is great and very enjoyable. You never get tired of re-hearing the songs, and unlockables add an incentive to keep playing. More songs should have been added in my opinion however this is still a solid rythme DS game.

Overall 8/10