Gorgeous graphics. In depth game play, unlimited strategy.

User Rating: 9.3 | Earth 2160 PC
This game is amazing. If you are a real RTS fan, you will love this game. The amount of gameplay options are just...theres a lot. Lets just leave it at that. Designing the units isn't as complex and in depth as I had hoped, but it still adds boat loads of gameplay and strategy. I've never played a game with such varied and amazing levels of tactics before. The campaign is pretty good in my opinion. I don't understand what the GS reviewer had a problem with, and overall the sounds and voice acting is good. Skirmish mode is the bread and butter. But then again skirmish modes are the only true mode in a REAL RTS. Campaigns are just for amusement.

This game will make you think. So if you just like playing simple games where you don't have to think, don't buy this, becuase you will never win.