An excellent addition to the EA Active series. I hope they keep coming out with these!

User Rating: 9 | EA Sports Active More Workouts WII
I like EA Active, but I LOVE this one. I don't like lifting besides pull ups/push ups (mainly, lifting my own weight), and this one focuses way more on cardio and lower body exercises. The cardio is so awesome; one of my fave things about the first Active was pretending to race the other avatars to pass them, and with this one, you do! I also enjoy the fact that you aren't running alone in this one at all; you're either passing people or your trainer is with you for the most part. I also think the sport cardio exercises are WAY more strenuous. In the first Active, I only really thought the boxing and rollerblading really worked me out (and I hated the rollerblading because you basically hold the squat the entire time), but all of the ones in More Workouts have been good so far. The squash makes you do lunges, and the water skiing/paddle surfing are great for squats and lunges. The cardio boxing is also better than the other boxing drills - quicker punches, without being so quick you flail. In the 20-minute workout I did today, I think I ended up doing around 150 squats/lunges or so. That's great! Anyway, I hope they come out with more versions of the in different settings, like one with snowboarding/skiing or something. So fun.