Semi-Sequal to Die Hard Arcade. This is a fun beat-em up game with weapons, but it lacks in replay value.

User Rating: 7.7 | Dynamite Deka 2 DC

This game plays like the oringinal game in the series, Die Hard Arcade, but a different storyline. A cruise ship has been hijacked by a huge group of pirate punks. Their leader goes by the name, Wolf Hongo, who has been mechanically repaired from the last battle (In Die Hard Arcade) 2,000 people are trapped inside, including the President's Daughter (Not the one in Die Hard Arcade) You choose one of the 3 of the marine crew that invades the ship to rescue the people, and stop the pirates. You go in different rooms and small areas to beat up the thugs in sight. In between battles, you'll encounter QTE's, just like Die Hard Arcade. Press the button that shows onscreen as quick as you can. You repeat this process for a while. Then you'll encounter bosses, tough ones actually. There are a total of 3 different ways to beat the game, by going in side quests. Each side quest takes about 20-25 minutes to beat. After you beat all 3, that's pretty much all you get. There are a few extras, such as the classic arcade, Tranquizer Gun, and some extra missions, such as VS mode and Survival modes. But that's pretty much it. Overall, Dynamite Cop features fun gameplay that would be fun for you and your friend.


Dynamite Cop is a port of the 1998 arcade game. So the game doesn't really push the Dreamcast's power much. Many of the characters look a little blocky. Also, there are few rough edges in the textures. This game was avaliable around the Dreamcast's launch, and the graphics, overall, don't compare to many Dreamcast games.


Pretty nice movie-like music. Some of the sound effects are pretty realistic too. The only problem with the soundwork, is some of the voices. Some of the voices for the enemies don't sound human at all. Beware that the voice acting in cutscenes have a few problems.


Like I said before, Dynamite Cop doesn't offer much, which makes it a short game. Dynamite Cop still features a pretty good gameplay, overall. If you are willing to take on the shortness of the game (about 1 hour big) and don't mind play again, then buying Dynamite Cop would not be a bad idea. If you are looking for the ultimite fighting beat-em Dreamcast game, Dynamite Cop isn't that game. Still, the game offers a great beat-em up type of gameplay that reminds you back in the old-school arcade days.


-Great gameplay like Die Hard Arcade had
-Good Difficult settings
-Nice movie-like music


-Graphics are not really on par with normal Dreamcast games
-Some mediocre voice acting like Die Hard Arcade had
-Not much extras to make you come back and play again