I don't think some UNDERSTAND that

User Rating: 5.5 | Dreamkiller PC
I don't think some people understand that this type of shooter games are SUPPOSE to be repetitive
These days we are used to complex shooters like Dead Space (amazing game btw) BUT please, fellow gamers, NEVER forget that shooter genre started with REPETITIVE gameplay (Hexen II anyone? Wolfenstein? remember?)

Dreamkillers is NOT a painkiller clone , painkiller is a clone of OLD-school shooters like Hexen (or Heretic) where you don't need a storyline, complicated upgrades systems or inventory!
Some people just love to run around in circles and shooting the heck out of monsters that are ALL the same. By my review score, 5.5, you can tell i am NOT this type of person
But my father loves EXACTLY this type of shooters, he would NEVER play a masterpiece like Dead Space or Bioshock simply because he is a simple old-school type of gamer..

These games have a specific target audience who are we to judge?
I like the premise in dreamkillers..the fact you are fighting personifications of FEAR , trying to establish ballance in the people's lives by luring away their deepest phobias is a nice start.
But the game gets very HARD at the third level, on easy mode and i really cannot understand how can someone get past third level without cheats. It is a very very hard game
Just letting you know..