An interesting choice for a Dragonball game. Too bad it's not a very good one.

User Rating: 3 | Dragon Ball GT: Transformation GBA
All I really have to say is that this game is well.....interesting. An interesting choice for a Dragonball game, despite the fact that DBZ: Sagas failed miserably. A 2-D side scrolling beat-em-up is a game that I haven't played in a while, and though it was nostalgic to play one, using the Dragonball license for it isn't quite a good idea. The graphics for this game are pretty good. Not great, but good. Sprites are large and detailed, enough that you can easily make out the characters. The animation for them, though, are limited and stale. I know that 2-D side scrolling beat-em-ups didn't have the best animation, but that was then and we expect a little bit better by now. Sound is somewhat drowned out. A clip of the shows opening theme plays in the beginning, but it sound like it is being played underwater. I couldn't really tell if there is any sound, since all you hear is the generic "pssh, pssh, pssh" sound that you get when you hit enemies. Controls are somewhat slow and clunky. The B button is used to attack, and that is it for attacks. You can use the R button for ki attacks, but you'll find yourself having to mash the button several times in order to get it to work. Which makes combat a constant repetition of B, B, B. Overall, a bit of a generic, and boring beat-em-up. If they made it more like the Legacy of Goku games, it might have been a bit more fun. But, the developers chose the more different choice. Hopefully the upcoming Budokai Tenkaichi game will make us all forget about DBGT: Transformations.