Very nice game, just takes some geting used too!

User Rating: 8 | Don King Presents: Prizefighter X360
At first the game feel static and stiff, the type of fighting takes abit of getting used too. Once you you get a grip of the game you can appreciate how great the story mode is, and how much they have tried to make it realistic.

The game deserves more than a 5.5 score, 8 if you ask me, its pretty damm good but not perfect. The fighting system needs to be improved, for a better of feel of natural movement. Don kings voice over helps to give this game class, and the unlockable videos in the extras menue just adds to the fun.

The graphics a fairly good, but nothing special. The roster is pretty neat, which you will enjoy if your a boxing fan. In all the game is a must buy for anyone who likes a creative a fun story mode and a good in game experience. All this helps create one of my all time favourite boxing games!!