This is the true Diablo 3 version.

User Rating: 9 | Diablo III PS3
I've spent nearly 1000 hours in Sanctuary on the PC when it first launched in 2012. I enjoyed the game for what it was but I always felt something was just a click off when it came to the combat and controls.

Enter 2013 on the Playstation 3. Wow, just wow. The game plays really smooth and the controller feels just right. Everything from the PC version is in the PS3 version except for the much hated auction houses, and always online required connection.

I for one am having a great time revisiting Sanctuary while slaughtering hordes of demon spawn. There might a little graphical hiccup here and there but overall it's nothing to pay attention to. The controls are smooth as butter. The new inventory interface is a breeze. The game is just plain fun.

I would definitely recommend the PS3 version over the PC version for those who are new to the series.