It ain't Deus Ex but its still a good game...

User Rating: 8.5 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
I'm of the opinion that the predeccesor to this game 'Deus Ex' is the greatest game of all time on any platform.

So when I first came to play this game I was looking forward to it a great deal.

It starts with some promise, the Deus Ex cyberpunk city landscape and a plot of espionage etc.

It does however do several things wrong. Part of the joy of the initial Deus Ex was that the two factions were not initially revealed in such a 'choose one way or the other' context. They were slowly brought in culminating in one excellent moment aboard a plane when you had to choose what path to take next.

The story is weaker, the characters are weaker, the variety of locations and the excecution of each location is weaker. All round it mimicks the first one but just not as well.

The first location Seattle is actually one of the best, probably the point at which the game is strongest. There are some nice ideas here and a few others dotted throughout the game.

It still doesn't bring quite the depth and feeling of the previous game though. The combat is still reasonably clunky but decent enough for the game.

It is just far too short, doesn't develop enough, and is missing several key ingrediants from the first one.

Still however a good game, with an decent plot, decent range of locations and situations. Still lets you make certain choices. It still is reasonably immersive.

For someone who is a major fan of the first game though, this one is nothing short of a massive dissapointment.

That should really tell you how good the first game is, I have given this game a 8.5 and yet I am still labelling it as a massive dissapointment.