The Cyberpunk Game that Worth to Revisit

User Rating: 9 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC

If there is a question about which the best science-fiction-themed game whose lore is rational and great, then the answer is Desu Ex Human Revolution.

The game is superbly crafted:

1. The freedom to choose whether the player is pacifist or cold-blood-murder

2. The coherence between story and setting

3. The satisfying upgradable augmentation

4. The amazing level design

Here is my commentary about Deus Ex: Human Revolution, after re-playing it and spent my 27 hours to play it:

To become an angel or devil is absolutely on your hand

This is the soul of RPGs game, especially for me. As a boy that has been exposed to Fallout-like game, the way to craft our playable characters is the most important aspect of in RPG game. Not only about I wanna my characters look good and sophisticated or become the strongest person within the game universe, but I am also willing to decide which side that my characters are lied on, angelic or demonic.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution makes it possible by simply give the player choice, whether to play lethal or not. It is really good to be implemented to make the player blend with the story itself and gain more experiences on the psychological side. Even in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, to become pacifist could be really hard, but at least we tried to be a good agent.

It is a good dosage for a player that allergic to a fantasy that wrapped by sci-fi term

We should admit that there are many games and movies that claimed they are sci-fi because they serve a lot of robots, set on the outer place, and say quantum but do not even understand about quantum itself. The setting of this game is not only showing high-tech thing with a nonsense explanation. Instead, the cyberpunk setting has a history and explanation that told on many documents that you can find randomly within the game world. They explain the history of augmentation tech growth, the conflict that entailed it, and the stories about some main characters within the game. The game also provides many 'email' that can be read on some computer that told us about some fact that supported the plot itself.

Being superhuman is fantastic!

Adam Jensen, the character that we've played in this game, has so many mechanical and electronic thing that embedded in his body and make him outpower the other character in this game. His body can be upgraded buy paying some praxis and unlock so many useful skills that will smooth us to play the game as a good or bad man. Overall, every upgrade that available on his body is satisfying. You can increase your ability to hack another computer, you can be better at hiding from enemies sight, you can be more lethal with explosive that can be generated from your suit, and many more upgrade that guarantees you to be a better player in this game.

You'll face the different situation in the same place while you advanced to the higher level of the game

Okay, maybe for the first couple of hour the game gives you easy thugs to beat or escape, but as you advance to the next level, the enemies become stronger and diverge (there will be robots too). Not only the AI that changed, but the condition in the same place is also changed. Take an example, the chill Hengsha island is transformed to be a dangerous place for Adam Jensen as you finish a number of missions. The developer is smart enough to use the same resource with different situation that prevents us to become bored to play within the same place, at a different level.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution is absolutely worth to be revisited if you are addicted to sci-fi stories. You can play as an evil person if you finished it as a pacifist before. You can play in stealth mode if you were played this game with a sprout of blood and explosive before.

For a new gamer, buy it. It is worth every penny.