can somebody say WARGAMES!

User Rating: 8.2 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
The game that is just like the wargames movie! This game amazes me. I can't believe how addictive this simple game can be. I love the environment! Most of the people I play with online are friendly which makes my experiences with this game that much more enjoyable. This game is similar to the game chess. I mean that it's really easy to learn and play overall, but it is difficult to actually master the game. You can do what you want and it will have an effect but you will need strategy if you want to win or lose the least as they say. You basically can't win in this game. The objective is to lose the least amount of people while killing everyone else. I know that it may sound rather unsettling when you talk about how you HAVE to kill innocent civilians to "win", but you will get use to it =P

Anyway let's just talk about the pros and cons about this game shall we?

- Easy to pick up and play! That is after the tutorial of course.
- Great, simple gameplay. Has incedible depth and potential.
- Even the graphics aren't 3d with all of these crazy effects you see in many games, it's really good for what it is. It gives you that computer simulator feel and i think that its over all good graphics.
- The sound does it's job well at setting the mood with the sound effects and music playing in the background. Very cold-war like!
- Small file size and over all good performance on my computer. This game can really bog down on low end computers even though it's 2d.
- Great online play and environment.
- Excellent interface and environment. Sets the cold-war theme/mood.

- Can bog down on low end computers which is really strange.
- There seems to be some connectivety issues for some users when playing this game online. Hasn't happened to me yet but it's been posted on the forum.
- Graphics can be bad if these things aren't you're thing.
- Rather limited sounds and music can be annoying somethings. There's a sound of people crying and that tends to annoy me at times.

If I were you, I would pick this game up. For only about $20, I would say that this is a pretty good deal with the things you are getting out of it. I fyou aren't sure, then I suggest that you download the demo (only 50 megs) which gives you a good idea of what the gameplay is like. However, it restricts you to only two players in a game rather than 6 players (Which is so much more fun).