Creepy atmosphere doesn't deter from engaging combat

User Rating: 8 | Dead Space X360

Dead Space is a third-person shooter set to a space thriller backdrop. Although not for the faint of heart the intense combat shines through the horror elements. This is simply an excellent action game that brings back feelings similar to Resident Evil 4, one of the best games of its genre. Even the story is a treat offering plenty of fun twists. Its incredible to believe this game is over ten years old. With its solid gameplay, limb-slicing physics, and engaging plot this game doesn't feel like its aged a bit.

You play as Issac, an engineer with a small team sent out to investigate a distress signal. You end up crash landing on the Ishimura, a giant ship designed to harvest ore from various planets. Your commander Hammond and your crew-mate Daniels are the main two figures you communicate with through out your journey. You quickly find out the Ishimura has a lot secrets. In particular it currently has an artifact aboard referred to as "The Marker". This important religious item appears have played a part in warping the ship's crew into twisted monstrosities. Its up to you to both find a way out and to stop the Marker from falling into the wrong hands.

The action-oriented gameplay is where Dead Space really shines. Although the levels are quite linear the Ishimura is still a fascinating ship to explore. Each chapter has you in a different part of the ship fighting new monsters and surviving simple traps/puzzles. Some areas of the ship have lost gravity allowing Issac increased mobility. You can purchase several different weapons, all designed to chop off enemy limbs. Even with an arm or leg gone most monsters with still chase you down. Some guns shoot out a straight line of bullets while shot out spinning blades and flames. You even have the handy ability to freeze enemies in stasis allowing you more time to aim.

As you take down enemies and loot various caches you'll find money, items, and blueprints. Blueprints will allow you to upgrade your armor for health and carry capacity as well as buy new weapons. Ammo is the most common item you'll find but there are as health, stasis, and oxygen packs. In addition to all the items mentioned you can also buy power nodes. Power nodes are quite expense to buy but they can occasionally be found exploring off the beaten path. Power nodes let you upgrade Issac's weapons, health, and stasis via branching routes offered on each item's unique grids.

As a whole Dead Space nails it from all angles. Its creepy but not so much that it detracts from the gameplay. The action is intense but rarely feels too overwhelming. The story is fascinating but never overbearing. Although the pallet of colors the quite bleak and bland the game still looks fine despite its age. In fact if it wasn't for graphics being a little out of date this feels like it could be a modern shooter. The weapons all feel great and it is always satisfying to blow limps off all the enemies. I was pleasantly surprised how accessible Dead Space is and I'm looking forward to playing the rest of the games.