Darkest of Days, It Coulda...and it... Shoulda....but its not terrible...

User Rating: 8 | Darkest of Days PC
Darkest of Days really has some bright spots which most reviewers seems to be missing. I agree the Civil War parts are slow compared to the more modern era FPS and too much of the game is spent in that time period but the end of it is a lot more fun than the reviews make it out to be… I can't remember when any game had any WW I, let alone missions with intense trench warfare, I liked melee in this area alot. The WWII mission is sorta interesting and plays alot like the other more popular fps's.
I really liked the ability to choose which missions you want to play, that was a nice way to break up the game, especially when you consider the long Civil ware missions.
While there are bugs and other issues you could drive a truck through I was pleased to see something different make it out. I have read other reviews that mention the game could have used more development time to make its mark, while I do like the game I also can look past some of the flaws to simply enjoy the new surroundings, and Dexter's one liners are hilarious!