Once you get past the outer shell of a Mario DDR game you will see what's inside. A bland and uninspired DDR knockoff.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dance Dance Revolution with Mario GC
When I saw this game in a local GameStop I picked it up as soon as I could. Unfortunately this game is nothing that it seemed it would be. Dance Dance Revolution: Mario MIx is a typical DDR game without the fun and musical variety. There's aren't many modes on top of this. The bland single player mod is a "story" and the quotes are appropriate for the following reason. All problems are solved by dancing... If this isn't wrong in your eyes you will love this game... If you are like me and mostly everyone else you'll be cringing at the thought. If you can get past the 'plot' (or lack thereof) you'll finda game which will have you dancing(stomping) along to Mario music. If this is appealing to you go ahead and pick it up just don't be expecting the best dance game ever or you'll end up being extremely disappointed like I did.