This game is the best drifting game yet! A must if you are into racing/drifting!

User Rating: 8.8 | D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series PS2
Ok, here's the scoop, don't listen to all those sites that give it a 3.8 out of 10. This game is awesome, whether it's physics, graphics, gameplay, it's great all around! Of course, like every game out there, it has its flaws, for example: when you first crack open the game, you're soooo excited thinking you are going to be drifting in moments.... no, you MUST go through, I dunno, maybe about 10-15 training 'videos/exercises' that can be pretty grooling towards the end. The multiplayer is great, car damage, tuning is actually pretty good (although you cannot tune a car, stuff like camber, and toe-in you can fix) There is a pretty good selection of cars, ranging from the Toyota AE86 (Corolla), to the Pontiac GTO and Nissan Skyline GTR-34. Driving in the various weather settings is pretty fun too, drifting on Tsukaba in the pouring rain is virtually impossible =D. Overall, this game is great, again like every single game has its flaws (yes my friends, even Halo 2 has some flaws) this game has a few, but is great none the less.