It's kind of fun.

User Rating: 7 | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation PC
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a good first attempt at a CSI game. The gameplay and story are solid enough to not completly suck. But my biggest problem with it is that it is way too short.
I'll start with the graphics, their not the best... actually the character models are boxy and the 360 view style just dosn't work as well as it should but it's not too bad.
The sound, well... the voice acting from none-cast memebers is from pretty bad to not too bad; as for the cast member voice acting, at least the cast is doing it. The lip syncing is horrible, I mean bad. And you don't really mind the music (if your a CSI fan).
Now for the gameplay, the story isn't as bad as you would expect from this game and is somewhat intertwined with itself. The actual point and click at the crime scenes is very simplestic and easy. And the game just isn't hard at all. You'll probably finish it in two hours, and getting 100% on everything just adds another hour, at most.
From a CSI to a point and click fan, rent it. From a CSI fan to another CSI fan, buy it (its less then 20$!). To any one else, just go away, shoo!

I give this game:7.0 out of 10.