Great Sandbox with a few flaws.

User Rating: 8 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is a great game that provides gamers with a intuitive sandbox experience. The game has a beautiful cartoony design to it and i absolutely love it as the graphics also shine it provides a great living sandbox city. The game offers a variety of arsenal and superpowers at the players disposal as your character gets more powerfull he ages and gains abilites such as super speed,strength,jumping,throwing, and shooting. As with the story it does not particularly play a large role in the gameplay and their is no character development but this is the type of game that can make without it. The gameplay is amazing and highly addictive as you grow in strength and speed you become like hulk yet the enemy gangs also get powerfull weapons to balance out the difficulty. What dissapointed me was the game was a bit on the short side and it lacked variety in boss fights and enemy types as in each district it was a rinse and repeat feel to it. Overall it was a great game which keeps you playing as it is highly addictive but it could have been so much better if it had more variety and a decent story.