Finally! A game that doesn't take itself too seriously. Conker's will genuinely make you laugh.

User Rating: 10 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
Conker's was one of the first games I tried to buy when I was young, that my parents tried to stop me from buying. Fair enough, I was only 10 or so, but even then I was still drawn to the game.

Conker's singleplayer is both full of action and presents a decent challenge, but at the same time presents a parody of other common influences at the time such as movies like 'The Matrix' and the 'Alien' series. Thinking back, Conker's reminds me of the 'Scary Movie' movies, following the same formula, but in a game format. I remember playing through the singleplayer, and at the end of a cutscene I'd have to pause the game and wait until I'd finished laughing before I could resume playing.

The game's strongest point is it's humor, even small things, like what the snipers say when they miss, or the sounds of a Chainsaw-wielding Nazi teddy will make you laugh. The NPC's in the singleplayer story are just as hilarious.

The split-screen multiplayer is fantastic, I'd even say it's like playing Super Smash Bros. with your mates, except better. With different modes to play, such as War and Beach, and AI teams, it never gets old. The best feature is if you have no-one to multi with, you can play against the AI, and it's almost as fun.

Conker's is a hilarious masterpiece that everyone should at least try, as it's a refreshing change from the 'realism' games try to achieve these days.