This is one of the best Nintendo 64 games out there it has good graphics, hilarious cut scenes and great multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
The single player is pretty fun but it is definitely not where it really shines. The multi-player is where most of the fun the game. One thing I do not like about it is when you enter cheats for it most of them disappear when you turn it off. Some of the diffrent games you can play in multiplayer include heist in with you attmept to the money back to your base 5 times before you oppents before you do all the while weapons blazing. Another one is total war which is just teddiz vs. squirrels that is extremly fun. Those are just 2 of the types of multiplayer gameplay mode. You can also customise the ai settings and points to win, another thing you can customize is the number of lives that you want. Like I said story mode is fun but you will probably tire of it after a while, if there is one thing that will keep people playing it is the multiplayer so all in all conkers bad fur day is a great game that I recommend to anyone with a Nintendo 64.