The Best Nintendo 64 Game!

User Rating: 10 | Conker's Bad Fur Day N64
Conker might look like a cute and cuddly little squirrel but he drinks,swears and even gose to the washroom in public. This is a amazing game! It's packed with parodies from movies like Saving Private Ryan, Clockwork Orange, Alien, Dracula, Matrix and The Godfather. In the start of the game Conker has a hangover and wonders of in the wrong direction. Conkers goal is to get home to his girlfriend Berri but as he trys hes faced with loads of challenges like robing a bank,Going to war, visting Dracula at his zombie filled house & ect. This game has a very sad ending :( ...but its a fun game and will have you laughing all the way though.

Gameplay-The gameplay is great! you have the story mode with 3 slots to save and 7 awsome multiplayer games that you can play with 4 of your friends! 10/10

Graphics- The graphics are amazing for a Nintendo 64 game! If you look down at water in the game you can see Conkers reflection and if you are near a light in the game you can see Conkers shadow stretching on the walls! 10/10

Sound- The music in this game is great too. The songs have a cool beat to it and the neat thing is if you walk near a beehive you can hear the bee's humming to the song. The bee's humming is not only the best part you can also hear all the weapon sounds & You can hear the blood splating! 10/10

If you have a Nintendo 64 buy this game ASAP!