It will expand not just to gamers, but everyone who played these games in the past.

User Rating: 8.8 | Clubhouse Games DS
I’ve heard of this game for a long time. Now that I have it, Clubhouse Games is another hit for the DS. There are over 30 games and most of them are Wi-Fi compatible, but it isn’t going to appeal to just gamers, but parents or other individuals who never played games before.

There are a few games I like: Rummy, Spit (Speed), I Doubt It, Escape, Bowling, Black Jack (The list goes on and on.) The one game I want my mother to play is Rummy (since you can use download play to try any of these games out, which is sweet.) As mentioned before, I’m trying to get my mother into videogames since she was the one who got me into videogames in my kid years.

I didn’t get a chance to play the game via online, but the few games I would play the most online would have to be Rummy, Spit, and Black Jack. One problem I hate about this game would have to be the icons. You are only allowed to choose the icons that you are dealt with (you can unlock more through Mission Mode) and there isn’t an option for you to create your own icon. The unlockables, however, are huge. You can unlock new games by playing Stamp Mode (A mode where you earn points depending how you win each game.) And there is a pictochat like chatting device in the game. (I didn’t use it that much since I didn’t get a chance to play it in multiplayer.)

Clubhouse Games isn’t to be left out, since you and your family will enjoy this game till the end. Don’t miss out on this game. The game may be considered a classic within five to ten years, but the games in Clubhouse are already classics.