A good game that is actually a refreshing change in the typical FPS genre. Critics just don't get it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho PC
This game is no where near as bad as some of the "professional" reviews it has gotten. Gamespot's score is off. Maybe some of the things in this game have been done at some point in other games but the presentation here is good and it is overall innovative. Just running around as a loner blasting is getting to be boring, every other game is a FPS. Jericho feels different. There is strategy in switching players with different abilities and using diffent weapons with a combination of those abilities. The story is interesting and and well done.

Graphics are very good and the game is optimized well which is refreshing if you don't have a powerful computer. This game may not be scary, but at this point can any game be actually scary. I keep reading this it's not scary business in games. I'm a grown up and have played a gazillion games. Video games don't scare me any more.

This a solid and enjoyable game.