A great game that horror and action fans will enjoy.

User Rating: 9.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho PS3
Clive Barker's Jericho is an amazing game that has been underappreciated. As soon I heard that this game was going to come out I got really excited. The problem was that the reviews of this game were a bit low and I was kind of skeptical about getting it; but a couple of weeks ago I decided to go and get it anyway, and I'm am glad I did. This was a great game with a great story.

I really like everything about this game, the plot, it keeps your there waiting to see how the story unfolds. The characters, each of them have there own personality; there own distinctive weapons, and special abilities, which will really come in handy throughout the game. The enemies really look menacing and dangerous they were all well designed. The surroundings, atmosphere, and sound were all awesome, it really compliments the game. The ending was a bit sudden but I believe it is because there will be a sequel coming out, and I'm hopping it does.

Clive Barker's Jericho was a great game that horror and action fans will enjoy