Scary, morbid and creepy, thanks to Clive Barker's imagination

User Rating: 8.5 | Clive Barker's Jericho PC
This game is a FPS with some added elements of uniqueness. Primarily the "F" in FPS should be changed to an "M" for Multi. As you are given command of several squad mates with unique powers and weapons. It defiantly adds some excitement compared to simply playing a single character. The AI is well executed: team mates know how to take cover and when to use their abilities, but in tight situations sometimes it's easier for you to take over a certain character to best use their special weapon/ability.

The continuity of the story could have used some more work, as it lost me a bit in the beginning, the plot only started to make sense later in the game. A broader introduction would have been nicer. The boss fights were plenty of fun and gory.

The eye candy is also very nicely done. Guts, blood and gore fly around with no end. HDR lights up dungeons and buildings beautifully. Character models look great too, specially some monsters look truly unique and terrifying.

In terms of audio, effects are nicely done, what i really liked however was the music, it hits off each level very well and sustains the pace of the action.

All in all, if you're looking for a different shooter, and are a fan of horror gender, this game fits the bill