A pleasant experience everytime.

User Rating: 8.5 | Chime X360
I've never had a warm fuzzy feeling from a puzzler before...
The combination of the beat line and quads adds up to...so right. it's fun just placing quads on different areas of the boards so it's like you're constantly remixing the music on the fly. in fact this is what really gives it longevity, attempting to see what a quad does to the tune depending on where you place it, and the tunes used are spot on, not heavy and obtrusive, it just pumps away egging you to play on.
The pressure of puzzle element never feels overbearing, and only gets super quick while trying to keep a quad expanding, but even this isn't required to move on in levels. it's strange how as a block puzzler, this actually has a few different ways to play it.
One of the most charming games ever, but i wish there was more. here's hoping for some DLC..