Cave Story+ is an amazing game which will become a instant classic to anyone who plays it.

User Rating: 8 | Cave Story Plus PC
Game: Cave Story+
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Studio Pixel
System: PC (Steam)
Total Score: 83/100
Value Score: 8.3/10

• Story: 8/10
o You play as a robot called "Quote" who wakes up suddenly in a mysterious cave. You learn that a race of creatures called Mimiga exist in the island of the cave you are in. You have no memory of who or what you are but you explore through the mysterious cave and eventually find out that a mysterious group of people are planning to use the island as a basis to take over the outside world. As you go through the different locations of the island, learning the mysteries of the island and its denizens and traversing through monster infested caves you learn a dark hidden secret under the island.

• Characters: 9/10
o Cave Story+ has a colorful cast of characters of all sorts of kinds such as robots, mimigas (creatures in the game), humans, goblin like beings, talking roaches, dogs, little people and many other types of beings. You play as a robot named Quote who seems to have some sort of tie to the past of the island and you eventually meet or find of your kind. The enemy designs in the game is quite well done and are original for the most part. Very rarely do you see a similar sprite enemy with a alternate color and all the NPC type characters you come across are all noticeable different with each of them having a unique personality sometimes reflecting of the modern world.

• GamePlay: 8/10
o Cave Story+ is a platformer RPG like shooter. You have a health based system which you can increase if you find health capsules/containers, you also get a variety of different types of weapons all of which are projectile type weapons and has long range uses depending on what level they are. You can gain levels for your weapons after collecting little triangle bit looking pieces which count as EXP. Some weapons benefit from gaining a level while others get weaker. You also get a set of different items most of which are key items which is usable only through a storyline event and some are additional power ups which are optional. You'll be going through caves and all sorts of locations fighting off all sorts of different types of enemies whether they are in the water, air or land. Just like a platformer you have the ability to jump across platforms, enemies or to get to a certain area along with the fact that you can power up your jump through a upgrade. Cave Story+ is somewhat difficult and can get more difficult depending on what setting you used to start with or with what paths you take the game as you can get multiple endings and ending results depending on some of the decisions you make that will affect your overall gameplay experience as well. There's also a challenge option where you can go in and have time challenges which can also be recorded.

• Graphics: 8/10
o Cave Story+ uses a unique 2D style art design and gameplay visual which will shoot rays of nostalgia at the player especially if the player has been playing games since they were primarily 2D. The PC version looks far more refined than the other versions of the game. Each character, object, and environment area looks unique from each other so dont expect it to get repetitive to the point where you will be bored. However due to the fact of the way it was developed, your choice on resolution may be limited as it is possible that black borders may take up the left and right of the actual game screen.

• Sound: 7/10
o If you play a side scroll shooter or any of the old school games from the 1980s or the early 1990s you will understand how the sound effects are like. There are a lot of nostalgic like sound effects which sound similar to different aspects from different games of the old times. Although there isnt voiceovers the creators of the game did a nice notion of adding a sound effect when a character talks although all the NPCs you talk to sound the same in that instance.

• Music: 10/10
o Cave Story+'s OST is an amazingly well done soundtrack which has the 8-bit tone of what you would consider techno/metal/orchestral music of the old gaming eras. Each area of the game has a unique track and there are unique boss battle themes depending on what kind of boss you are fighting whether it is the final boss, a mini boss or a actual boss. You will surely enjoy the classical 8-bit like OST. You also have the option to change the OST to the classic original style.

• Length: 7/10
o Cave Story+ is consisted of mostly a linear path which takes you to around 5-6 general areas with some small areas between each other. You also have the choice of making a decision which can alter the length of the game. However the game should not take you more than 15 hours to complete unless you die a lot or get lost.

• Replay Value: 8/10
o Cave Story+ uses a multi-ending style for its storyline, depending on the decisions you make you can change the game's outcome. There are about three different endings, one of which you can get when you finish the game halfway across, the second one which is the general ending and a third ending which is considered the best ending providing you accomplish certain tasks or did certain events in a certain way. You also have challenges which allow you to play through speed like stages where you are timed and can be recorded. You can also play the game again with multiple difficulties. The gameplay experience also changes depending on what you chose in the game as your weapon or again what certain paths you have taken or avoided.

• Player Value: 8/10
o Cave Story+ is a pretty good 2D platformer which takes elements and aspects from different types of other genres such as shooters, RPG and action games. The game has a sarcastic eastern tone to it with a few internet meme references along with the fact that the game uses audio and a art style which was common in the 1980s and 1990s but is unique now. The game's storyline and characters will make you enjoy your experience along with the sheer difficulty some of the levels and areas of the game will bring to you. Get this game on Steam while it is hot with the price it will be depending if its summer or winter. You will not regret the purchase of this game at all.