The beginning of a legend.

User Rating: 9.4 | Akumajou Dracula NES
Few people are unaware that this game actually revolutionized a certain portion of the action-platformer genre. There's a good reason for this: This game rocks. Gameplay The gameplay in this game is solid. Sadistic level design, persistent enemies, and some memorable boss fights are just the tip of the iceberg. Castlevania introduced a subweapon system which for its time was quite novel, and it was done so well that it's still fun to use. The game has responsive and simple controls and a ton of challenge. Graphics For 1987, these graphics were insanely good, and they still look awesome today. Detailed, atmospheric, and beautiful. The sprites and characters are all nicely detailed and animated as well. Colors throughout are balanced and nothing looks tacky. Sound A memorable soundtrack to say the least. Classic sound effects abound as well. Value This game always challenges, and has a great atmosphere. It's just not as fleshed out as, say, CV3, but that's okay. This game certainly has a place, and I play it over and over. Tilt Revolutionary action-platformer with insanely awesome atmosphere and barrels of fun and challenge? What's not to like, unless you're....a casual! Ha ha ha ha ha! Okay, goodnight.