Great game - something different from the COD franchise

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare PC

This review is a year after release of the single player campaign only, simply because it comes bundled with COD4 remastered with new graphics to bring it up to 2016 10 years after that title's release and I wanted to play Cod 4 remastered first.

Anyway Infinite Warfare is an awesome game - futuristic, set in space and the graphics, visuals, scenery and backdrops are simply stunning, my only gripe is that the character models are poor compared to the rest of the game. However there are very few graphics options and I'm sure there could be more tweaking settings as this game runs so well

The in game acting is brilliant and the dialog & voice acting is superb. You can even recognise real life actors in game such as David Harewood and Kit Harrington.

The game is highly optimised and very stable, no crashes, glitches and the frame rates are insane.

This is probably one of the best FPS games I have played in a long time, and it's certainly one of the best COD games in many years. Usually I hope for short single player campaigns because I get bored easily but this is one of the few games I did not want to end - You even get to fly space ships on short missions! It is pretty obvious that a lot of inspiration (if not plagiarism) has come from Mass Effect - the games are very similar in places. Imitation is often the biggest form of flattery.

There has been a lot of negative reviews and hate towards this game (mostly because of multiplayer - people don't like jet packs and zero G floating etc) but every one complains that the COD franchise is the same year after year but with different maps. I personally have not played multiplayer but I understand that not long after the game was release the multiplayer servers were largely dead. However the consensus seems to be that the single player is one of the best COD campaigns ever. The devs have tried to do something different - so suck it up and enjoy!

Stability 10

Gameplay 10

Sound 10

Graphics 10

Overall 10

Review deck: i5-4670k, GTX 1080, 1080p screen