Same call of duty with some nice additions

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty: Ghosts PS4

This is the first game I played for PS4. The experience is enhanced given the notorious graphics improvement. I am not saying that graphic is the most important things, but if a great game you add those enhanced features in graphics departments you get a more involved experience.

In term of the game. It is on not distance future. New weapons are shown that it is very enjoyable. A new bad guy is in the game, very similar to the last Batman movie.

The game is not absolute amazing, however, there were several scenes that make me wow the moment. I won't spoiler them.

In my perspective, missions were more balance and more different each other.

This is a great addition to the series. The ending is top notch. Not the best that could have but at the very end it was unexpected. The game last like 10 hours. Maybe it is a bit longer than previous installments.

I just played few minutes the multiplayer. It was not very different from PS3 experience. At least, so far. I expected more player at the same time, like 48 or 64. But it was the same as usual.

Highly Recommended.

Thanks for reading.