A step back from Modern Warfare 2

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PC
I really liked Modern Warfare 2. I didn't love it due to some of the griefing and other gameplay issues, but overall it was a solid game. Unfortunately Black Ops seems to be a step backwards for me. The multiplayer changes are minor at best. The biggest gripe I have is that the graphics seem to have gotten worse than MW2. To be fair, I haven't popped in my old MW2 disc to compare, but even so it's clear that my gut reaction to the graphics detail is mediocre at best. I have only spent a few hours in multiplayer and have been somewhat unimpressed so far. I'm hoping it grows on me. I didn't have the 'just one more game' feeling that I did with the previous version. Overall this game feels like a rushed effort by Activision to generate more revenue without really trying to up the quality.