You can play it for hours

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
The game is good, single player is fun but short still it's not boring at all. Now the game is based in the middle east. You will enjoy the campaign but it will play a few tricks on you like last stand and Martyrdom.

Anyways we now go on to Multiplayer. Without it you probably wouldn't even touch the game at all. This game is great for multiplayer. You have Newer things than Call of duty 3. Perks, and now you can create your own class, your guns, perks, camouflage, equipment, and A LOT MORE! So here is the best thing about it, there are challenges, ranks, and best of all Prestige mode. Prestige mode is that when you get to rank 55 (the most you can get up to) you can do prestige mode which is just going back to rank 1 and doing it all over again. You can only do it up to ten times which is in the end "10 Prestige."